Re: 30% off Luftrum 10 soundset for iZotope Iris - normally $23, now only $16
2014/02/09 05:31:26
I've had Iris since more or less when it came out - I got it in some bundle with the iZotope stuff I now use regularly - mainly Ozone / Alloy
I have to admit that I struggled trying to find some way of getting Iris into my music - also whilst "programming" (in my case squiggling!) was fun, I never really got results I could use.
So I saw this and thought as I had about $10 left in my self imposed budget, why not.
WOW, this is FANTASTIC - I've no idea how he programmed the sounds, even after looking closely - but I now realize Iris and me just needed some great patches to get along.
I'm off to use it in a track I'm just doing - BUY this if you have Iris - BRILLIANT