I am am running Windows 7 OS, Pentium 4 CPU 2.79 GHz
RAM 2.50 GB,
MC-6 is set to use playback using a PROFX8 (mixer (6- USB Audio CODEC)
Driver Mode is MME (32 bit), Share Drivers With other Programs is unchecked.
I open a file in MC-6 and select "Inset"(ReWire Device) my Kinetic 2
shows and I select it (MIDI Source checked, First Synth Audio Outpit checked,
Synth Property Page checked, Display Automation On: MIDI Source Track
Recall Assignable Controls checked) after I click "OK" K2 starts to open and goes
thru its intialization, and all seems well however the opened MC-6 goes grey and
a message comes up stating "CWMC.EXE has stopper working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program"
The need for Rewire to work is that I need to be able to record what is being played
by midi keyboard connected to K2 (that combines the keyboard sound with the K2 synths)
live in MC-6.
post edited by gwood - 2014/02/12 22:38:56