Connected series of loops/punches?

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February 21, 14 11:19 AM (permalink)

Connected series of loops/punches?

I'm pretty sure the answer is "no," but I'm wondering if there's the ability to do a connected series of looped punch-ins on the same pass. 
So, for example, you need to record something for the first verse of a song, and the fourth verse, but not the second or third verses.  Rather than looping a bunch of takes for verse 1, and then recording several takes for verse 4, it would be really nice if you could define a loop region for verse 1 -AND- a loop region for verse 4, and then press record and have it play through verse 1, then jump to verse 4, then back to 1, and so on...
That could also be useful for playback, when you're trying to add effects or do mixing for a certain track, where a guitar part or backing vocal only comes in at certain sections, and you want to hear just those sections while you experiment with the effects.  Anyway, if that's not currently possible, then I would suggest it for a future version of Sonar.
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