Any way to label clips in X3 Studio?
Hi All,
I am relatively new to Sonar, having used another DAW for a long time (too long). Anyway, I am using Sonar to edit interviews and assemble them into podcasts. In my old system, I could split an audio track and then label each track as I pleased. The name that I assigned the clip would be right there on the clip inside the navigator pane (I fear I'm using the wrong terms.).
In this case, I'd like to label a section of speech with the beginning of the what the person said, so that I can see what each clip is and then move pieces around. I haven't found a good way to do this and searches for naming clips and labeling clips have come up empty.
At this point, I have used markers in the timeline to describe what the interviewee is saying, but that only works until I move a clip, then there is a lot of erasing and relabeling that is quite cumbersome. Any advice would be quite welcome!