AnsweredLarge Midi setup - what midi port/box is available???

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February 14, 14 11:47 AM (permalink)

Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available???

I have multiple hardware based MIDI devices.  My main interface has multiple audio inputs (16 mono or 8 stereo inputs) but only 1 MIDI in and 1 MIDI out.
My Yamaha MOTIF 6 can use USB MIDI and my Roland Fantom XR rack can use MIDI USB so those 2 devices I can use up USB ports for.
but I have a lot of other MIDI devices.  I picked up a M-Audio MIDI Port 4x4 box - 4 MIDI ins, 4 MIDI outs but even this isn't enough for my 8+ MIDI devices.
Right now I have to switch out MIDI devices - record midi, record audio, switch box out of setup and put another device in the setup then record that one - it's extremely inefficient.
MOTU still sells a MOTU MIDI Express XT (8 MIDI ins / 8 MIDI outs).
How are others doing large MIDI setups?  what other boxes are available out there? 
anybody have any advice?
Bonzos Ghost
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 14, 14 6:30 PM (permalink)
You can daisy chain a few modules together. Use short cables. Three or four modules daisy chained is ok. I have a lot of MIDI gear and use a combination of things. I have 4 midi ports + old Roland Midi input and output selector boxes, plus a few modules daisy chained on top of that....and a MIDI merge box in there as well. I've had the same basic setup for several years. (it just grows larger every so often) Never any issues with it.    
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 14, 14 7:02 PM (permalink)
Couple of my devices have MIDI THRU ports, but not all of um. so chaining will only go so far.
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 15, 14 0:12 PM (permalink)
Something like my old Roland MPU-105 Midi Input Selector is what you need then to feed a bunch of midi modules. It has one in and five outs, which eliminates daisy chaining. That takes care of 5 modules. Hard to find anything new like that these days, but I know of one made by Midi Solutions. "T8". It has one midi in and 8 midi outs. They have the same thing in the opposite configuration as well, plus a few other handy midi boxes.
Jeff Evans
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 15, 14 0:38 PM (permalink)
Roland still do it I think here:
Do not daisy chain, it is a slack way of doing it. Put every synth you can on its own midi port then you will get the best timing possible.

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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 15, 14 1:29 AM (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby MachineClaw February 15, 14 3:10 AM
I use a Motu 8x8. I bought it new, plugged it in and I've never had an issue. Very straightforward and simple to manage multiple MIDI devices within Sonar X3.

Two internal 2TB SSDs laptop stuffed with Larry's deals and awesome tools. Studio One is the cat's meow as a DAW now that I've migrated off of Sonar. Using BandLab Cakewalk just to grab old files when migrating songs.
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 15, 14 3:12 AM (permalink)
I think the MOTU 8x8 XT is probably the best cheapest solution.
Thanks for all the links.  I'll shop around.  I had not seen some of these options or solutions.
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 17, 14 12:42 AM (permalink)
Other than daisy chaining as others suggested, I use a MOTU Midi Express XT.  That way I can leave 4 midi rack synths and my controller always hooked up.  You can find some great prices on these on eBay.  Be sure to get one of the newer ones marked "USB- MacIntosh-Windows Compatible".  If I remember correctly, there was an update to some of the older units that weren't marked this way, but that update is no longer available forcing you to buy the newer units.
post edited by MountainSide - February 17, 14 12:44 AM

Win7 pro x64, Intel i5, 16GB ram, 1TB HD-7200rpm, Sonar X3e, BIAB 2014 Everything, MOTU 828MK3 audio ASIO @ 44.1 24bit 128 buffers, MOTU Midi Express XT, Yamaha DX7II & TX802, Oberheim Matrix 1000, Motif XS rack, Fantom XR rack, Helicon VoiceLive Touch, VoiceLive Editor
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 17, 14 5:19 PM (permalink)
List your MIDI sources, MIDI recievers, diagram your frequent setups, and any setups where Merge is required, then you can use what's available, or acquire thru Ebay. MIDI multiplexes are one of the few instances where I'm comfortable with used gear on the cheap.
I use a pair of Midisport 4x4s and a Midiman 3x8 and rarely have to repatch. I wired one deliberate loop into the system, and so far, it hasn't bit me. In general multiplexed multiplexes are trouble waiting to happen.

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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 17, 14 6:48 PM (permalink)
I use a Frontier Design Sierra, which is an 8x8 MIDI interface, but that is no where near enough! I've tried a lot of different solutions, and several MIDI patchbays. For me the best solution is a JLCooper Synapse and a pair of JLCooper MSB1620s - each is a 16 in x 20 out MIDI patchbay that can be managed via MIDI. I have different "patches" that let me talk to each synth or effect for editing, and then a handful of patches for driving the synths (and controlling the effects.) I also have a Digital Music Corp MX-8 which I use to manage my controllers.

I'm in the process of slimming the whole thing down - or at least that is the goal... but then I play something through one of the synths and decide I need to keep it "just a little bit longer"<G>!

If I were in your shoes I'd get an 8x8 USB to MIDI interface (I like the M-Audio and MOTU devices) and one or more MIDI patchbays. Syco Systems used to build monstrously large patchbays, but other than that the largest that I am aware of are 16x20.

Depending on just how many devices you have you could also consider a handful of through boxes.

There are lots of possibilities!
(just looked and there are several MIDI Patchbays listed on eBay right now.)

-- Bill
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 18, 14 10:13 AM (permalink)
cool.  thanks for the info.  I will look into all that.
I just got the 4x4 and so far that is pretty simple and works.  I just need more imputs and out puts so a 8x8 might be my final solution.  have to see.  I'll check ebay too, not to worried about used devices from ebay like this.
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 18, 14 10:13 AM (permalink)
cool.  thanks for the info.  I will look into all that.
I just got the 4x4 and so far that is pretty simple and works.  I just need more imputs and out puts so a 8x8 might be my final solution.  have to see.  I'll check ebay too, not to worried about used devices from ebay like this.
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 18, 14 11:55 AM (permalink)
I will say this once again. Synths should go by ID number, that should be able to be set on the Synth. I have Rolands so I know it can be done. Each Synth would have a different ID number so when you send MIDI you also send the ID number of the synth. Whether it takes MIDI Through connections or not I am not sure, it may. But 16 synths can be hooked up with the ID numbers they can use from 17 to 32 for each synth, each synth able to send 16 channels of MIDI out, for a total of 256 MIDI channels that should be abled to be handled by MIDI. Of course if you have System Exclusive messages being sent also then there probably be a problem with too much info sent at first and data has to be staggered in for all of that, but just regular MIDI notes should  be fine but patch data or a lot of data at once may not work. Of course that is not USB, just the regular MIDI In and MIDI Through and MIDI Out connections.
I have used it before but I do not use MIDI for quite awhile now, but any synth I had hooked up had its own ID number (because coming back out the playback would go to the synth that had the ID number that matched.) Now I just use audio and record how the synth sounds out of the line out audio connections.

Jeff Evans
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 18, 14 8:36 PM (permalink)
ID numbers have nothing to with the correct synths responding to midi channels. They are only for SYSEX dumps and things.
If you have got any more than about 5 or 6 hardware synths then you have got too many. Trust me I have been there. At one stage I has something like 60 or more hardware devices.
Now it is just down to a Kurzweil K2000R, a Kurzweil PC3K (which sounds better than most other synths out there, period!) an EMU E5000 with a huge library (it can read Akai and Roland and Ensoniq libraries so that sort of triples its capacity) a Roland JD800 and a Roland JV30. That is it plus over 100 virtual instruments. Practically every hardware synth (old analog beasts as well) have been modelled so perfectly it is a waste of time owning the real thing. Unnecessary!
With just 5 hardware devices I can get 80 channels of midi data playing back at once.

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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 19, 14 7:21 PM (permalink)
5 or 6 devices is reasonable.
I currently have 7 devices and not all need to be in the setup at the same time.
I think eventually a 8x8 device would be fine for what I need and my setup.  currently the 4x4 is getting me by but every so often I have to play with midi cables and reroute devices.  kindo a pain.
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 19, 14 9:05 PM (permalink)
I don't know anyone who would not send an System Exclusive message in the first bar of the midi track (which can be silence) to tell what manufacturer the synth is from and the Device ID of the synth sending the messages incase you have more than one synth from the same manufacturer.
Afterwards, everything goes on that track back to the synth that created the track, and one bar of silence is not that much nor neither is the System Exclusive message sending that data.
It ain't the entire synth setup, it is one midi channel data setup.
Each their own, but everything that way works.
But then I do not have that many synths to tie up the midi data and send it haywire because of speed.
But then there is the Performance setup also, so the song as all that data which it can sent easily.
post edited by spacealf - February 19, 14 9:06 PM

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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 20, 14 1:02 AM (permalink)
I think the ID's come in handy when you're using more than one synth (from the same MFR) on the same port. This would be when you're not using all 16 channels, and your synths can be made to ignore channels. My old MU80 (yamaha) does this. But it does seem to be a moot point if you have the units on separate ports, since there's no possibility of a collision on either sysex data nor channel messages.
We do have to several ways to send sysex data: you can embed directly within a track, which will be sent at the appropriate time, you can use a bank in auto mode (sent on project open), or you can embed a referece to a bank to send at the appropriate time. Personally, I love using banks.
I usually stick to sysex bank auto's, because if sysex data is sent before starting a song, you don't really have to worry about having an empty measure to ensure that all processing is complete before the first notes go out. It's also of note that some MFRs, yamaha at least, don't recommend sending a lot of sysex data during a song, the want you to consider sysex data as more setup, than performance oriented.

laudem Deo
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 20, 14 2:25 AM (permalink)
Each manufacturer has their own ID number, and then a Device ID can be sent for the particular synth.
It is not very many bits at all.

Jeff Evans
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 20, 14 5:07 AM (permalink)
If two synths (even different models but same manufacturer) are on the same midi port and they are set to the same channel then they will both respond, end of story. As I have said only midi channels will separate any number of instruments (same maker or not) that are on the same midi port. 
But where ID numbers and device ID's are good though is you can just send s SYSEX dump of say a memory bank to all of them and only the relevant machines will respond which does make it easier in that regard only.
Its not that great though to have too many synths on a single midi port. Even though in theory 16 different instruments/parts can operate on a single port, as midi is a serial protocol the delay is longer for each synth. eg approx 1ms per channel so if 16 instruments share one port and you want them all to play at once the last one will be 16 ms late. Noticeable.
The ideal situation is to have only 8 or less instruments and put them all on their own port (8 x8 interface) and get them to do a max of 1 or 2 parts at once. That way you will get super timing everywhere. Even with only two parts per port 16 tracks of music is a pretty big sound in any case. At some point you are going to need to transfer midi parts to audio anyway leaving them free to do either nothing or another one or two parts max.

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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 20, 14 10:47 AM (permalink)
all my devices are on separate MIDI channels.  I don't have problems with midi channels or program id's or sending SYSEX to the synths or boxes.
I have a physical limitation of the cables and ports available.  I currently have 7 synth/synth rack MIDI boxes.  that's 7 MIDI ins/ 7 MIDI outs and 14 mono L/R 1/4" audio.  That's a lot of cabling and rewiring and getting under desks etc.
I don't use every box or synth each time.  I have seen pictures of professional studios with racks and rack s of synth boxes and have no clue how they handle 16 MIDI INs/OUTs let alone even more.
I certainly do not need a huge array.  but I do plan on getting a few more MIDI synths and some more racks that I have my eye on.  I need more cables and more connections.
a MIDI 8x8 seems like a good start.  USB nice.   but if I want more say 16x16 I don't see a solution out there.  Maybe a 8x8   times 2 but that's 2 usb ports and drivers conflicting etc to deal with.
I will get a 8x8 and should be fine for a while.  but I KNOW I am going to need more and just want to save money and plan ahead.
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 20, 14 12:07 AM (permalink)
Jeff Evans
If two synths (even different models but same manufacturer) are on the same midi port and they are set to the same channel then they will both respond, end of story. As I have said only midi channels will separate any number of instruments (same maker or not) that are on the same midi port. 
But where ID numbers and device ID's are good though is you can just send s SYSEX dump of say a memory bank to all of them and only the relevant machines will respond which does make it easier in that regard only.
Its not that great though to have too many synths on a single midi port. Even though in theory 16 different instruments/parts can operate on a single port, as midi is a serial protocol the delay is longer for each synth. eg approx 1ms per channel so if 16 instruments share one port and you want them all to play at once the last one will be 16 ms late. Noticeable.
The ideal situation is to have only 8 or less instruments and put them all on their own port (8 x8 interface) and get them to do a max of 1 or 2 parts at once. That way you will get super timing everywhere. Even with only two parts per port 16 tracks of music is a pretty big sound in any case. At some point you are going to need to transfer midi parts to audio anyway leaving them free to do either nothing or another one or two parts max.

Excellent clarification of the issues at hand.
Especially true about timing get flaky during congestion - it's a 31K serial port after all. It does make me wonder, though, about USB based midi devices. There's no such built-in limitation there. No worry for my traditional midi-port based trusty old MU80 though, it'll flake long before the the port capacity goes with it's limited 32 note polyphony... sigh..

laudem Deo
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 20, 14 5:35 PM (permalink)
There are good implemented MIDI synths and badly implemented MIDI synths.
This link is just about MIDI though and not the other article that referred to badly implemented synths. (it was written in 1995, so maybe things have changed.)(Roland was good, Yamaha was bad. ??)
Have fun though.
I guess this is it then perhaps:

The Express 128 provides eight MIDI ins, eight MIDI outs, 128 MIDI channels, and compatibility with all Macintosh and Windows software. And, if you ever need more, it's expandable to over a thousand channels via a powered USB hub.

Going Bonkers over MIDI (sounds like a title to a new song perhaps).

Bonkers over MIDI!
post edited by spacealf - February 20, 14 6:20 PM

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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 20, 14 9:25 PM (permalink)
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? February 23, 14 1:23 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby MachineClaw February 23, 14 4:32 PM
+1 MOTU midi express XT

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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? March 02, 14 4:53 PM (permalink)
I have an old Ensoniq KMX8 MIDI patchbay I picked up for a few bucks at a fleamarket. 8 ins, 8 outs. You simply press the button of the input that you want to route, and then the button of the output you want it to route to. Couldn't be simpler. I don't know what I would do without this device.
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? March 03, 14 8:28 AM (permalink)
I remember the KMX8 - a wonderful MIDI patchbay! I had one for a bit (I lived outside West Chester, PA, so I had one of almost everything Ensoniq made up through the ASR<G>). Eventually I outgrew it, though.

Right now I have a Digital Music MX-8 that I use to route all my controllers. I like the MIDI processing, although these days I tend to do all of that in Sonar. Still nice to have around!
Then I have one JLCooper Synapse and two JLCooper MSB-1620s, as I've been whittling down the hardware I've already dispensed with the need for one of the MSB-1620s. I'd love to get down to just the Synapse, but it didn't happen this time around.
I also have a Yamaha MCJ8, which was is real simple 8x8 MIDI Patchbay, no processing, no nothing, that I kept in the guitar rack. It too is headed for eBay.

Not sure how I feel about the continuing down-sizing of my MIDI rig<G>...

-- Bill
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? March 03, 14 10:15 PM (permalink)
My favorite midi box is the Kawai MAV-8, if you can find one you'll appreciate the instant patching and visual feedback. It's straight up 4 in 8 out all on large switch sliders. One of the inputs and one output are in the front panel so instant patching for quick set-ups and tests are easily and immediately available. I can't tell you how fundamental that is when you need to patch something in quickly. No little back lit screens or software to set-up. 4 inputs has always seemed to be plenty for me.

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Jeff Evans
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? March 05, 14 8:25 AM (permalink)
Not sure how I feel about the continuing down-sizing of my MIDI rig....
Bill it is OK and it gets better over time   I had 53 keyboards at one point and as many rack mounted things. Now I have got it down to 5 pieces of hardware only plus two extra computers just being virtual instruments. And on my main computer something like 100 VST's.
The reality is there is almost nothing you cannot replace with a VST these days.  (Analog included)  Tell my what you think you cannot replace and I bet I have got a solution for it.
Hardware wise I have a Kurzweil PC3K now with Kore 64 installed and really it almost replaces everything on the planet!  A K2000R which I don't use that much.  A EMU E5000 sampler with a huge Emulator, Akai, Roland, Ensoniq libraries (it can read em all and it sounds great still to this day)  A Roland JD800 which is a bit unique (and has a terrific panel for sound design) and a Roland JV30 . (best GM sysnth that allows great and fast editing of GM sounds)
With all that gear I had before I am still doing now what I used to do without loosing anything, in fact my setup is better now.  (Alchemy and Wusikstation have almost got it covered between them alone!)
You can do it! I am just down to one patch bay now with 8 ports on the back.

Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface 
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? March 05, 14 6:50 PM (permalink)
ok... I'll bite...
Can't replace my ARP 2600 - tried the Arturia, did not like it, tried the TimewARP, loved it, but it is not quite the same, so I'm keeping the hardware.
Can't replace my MS-20 - I have the Korg plug-in, and it is cool, but it is not the same.
Still have found nothing that sounds like the Ensoniq ESQ-m or the Roland MKS-80. I would love to find something to replace these. NI FM-8 is really close, sometimes even better, than the TX7, but I have not been able to reproduce some of my favorite TX-81z patches yet.
The Kurzweil 1000PX - no, not terribly realistic, but terribly cool, and I've yet to find a replacement.
I am happy with a handful of EPS/ASR and S900/S1000 libraries that I have successfully imported into Kontakt, but it is a LOT of work to import them. It remains quicker to just use the old samplers.
Other than that...
I'd say the old Pro-53 does a great job of covering various Sequential sounds. If I could get another Prophet 5 I'd probably buy it<G>!
The Oberheim Matrix/Xpander family - I can't find anything that covers them, but all I have is the Matrix 1000, and frankly, it doesn't do a great job of covering the Xpander either<G>!
So... fire away! I'd love to empty another rack or two, and put it all up on eBay (well, except the ARP and Korg<G>)

-- Bill
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Re: Large Midi setup - what midi port/box is available??? March 05, 14 11:43 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby MachineClaw March 07, 14 10:32 AM
There is the less expensive MOTU midi express 128 (8X8 and USB). It's fine if you do all your midi routing inside your PC. Sonar will do just fine merging inputs and sending to multiple outputs. The 128 does not have buttons or internal patching and doesn't do standalone midi routing. But if you're just recording multiple inputs and playing multiple outputs, it's a no-brainer.
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