Re: Mackie with Sonar ?
March 09, 14 5:30 PM
Mod Bod hit the nail on the head. I have the older MCU and extenders that use the old style Penny & Giles faders. I have one that is starting to stick on the extender and does not always want to calibrate unless I give it a little movement prior to turning on.
They don't make those faders any longer and about my only choice would be to find an old unit for sale (CHEAP) and use it for parts. I have opened the unit and cleaned it well but it seems like it may be the little string that the motor drives the fader with. It looks very delicate and I really don't want to mess with something I don't understand.
If things get worse I will probably just sell my units for parts and purchase new Mackie Pro's from Sweetwater so I get a 2 year warranty.
Purrrfect Audio DAW here. Wow!...