Re: 60s razzle and dazzle
2014/03/11 12:32:22
Hey Kev. Yea that Was fun. I imagined I was an 8 year old who upon exiting the porta-potty, found the amusement park suddenly empty of people, except for the clowns, who had suddenly become some kind evil anti-clowns whose sole intent had now become my destruction...How fast can I run...Where can I hide...Will this night EVER END? I listened to several of your songs and it's obvious why you've had success with the music for pictures world. That's all above my paygrade so I hope you won't be offended if I say that I really liked "Sylvie"! "It all makes perfect sense...You've got somebody to love". Now if the picture people could just some pictures for that! Thanks for sharing Kev! Jim