Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ??

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March 04, 14 6:03 AM (permalink)

Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ??

Hi All,
I've been trying for some time to get my gear working exactly how I want it. In most areas I'm pretty happy with the results but there's one that I'm not quite hitting yet...
On stage, my beloved combination of Rickenbacker 330 through a Fender Twin Reverb is enough to peel even the most stubborn tiles off the toilet walls - I love a crisp sound with a menacing bottom-end, topped with a shiny clean chime (I'm trying desperately to avoid using the term 'jangly' as it's a bit too clichéd with a Ricky, but hey-ho).
My playing style is somewhat reminiscent to Peter Buck's figures and deep note riffs (Driver 8/The One I Love/So. Central Rain) but there's also a fair bit of busy Marr arpeggios going on in there too (Girl Afraid/Still Ill/Barbarism). Without wanting to sound too derivative, you might get the idea of where I'm coming from.
The problem I have is trying to nail this sound with the equipment I have: I'm basically using a POD 2.0 between the guitar and the DAW. I always record dry without FX but even after adding them in SONAR I'm not getting anything that stands out too well - I think the problem I have is that 'stand-alone', the guitar sounds lovely when I'm setting it up to record but, within a bigger SONAR mix, it's getting buried and blurred and just not cutting through. Of course, all this points to my abilities at mixing, EQing, reverb/delay/comp, levels and pan separation etc. but even after numerous multiple tweaks and start-again reboots, I'm never fully satisfied with where it ends up.
Does anyone have any suggestions or advice for setting up (pre or post)?
I fear the answer is to keep trying and trying (and I know I'm not going to get a reply that says "Turn your 5 Ricky dials and your 10 POD dials to these positions and everything will be perfect forever and ever amen") but some good tips might be just the thing to get me out of my rut.
Thankee sai,
post edited by Frink - March 04, 14 11:11 AM

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 04, 14 8:55 AM (permalink)
    Hi Frink,
    If you achieve a sound you love "on stage" (the combination of the 330 and Twin), why not just mic the Twin and be done with it?  Sometimes it's quicker/easier to just record the real thing.

    Best Regards,

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 04, 14 11:06 AM (permalink)
    Dammit! I knew someone would say that. 
    The Twin's a fine beast but it does rather hoot like a banshee. My 'studio' is a room in my house so I have to keep the noise down, meaning that my allowable recording time is down to a few hours every weekend. When using the POD, however, I can twang along nicely without the cat even noticing.
    I have experimented with putting a mic (a Rode NT3 or a Shure SM58) on the Twin but there's a fair bit of valve hum coming off it and my studio is not so big that it's tricky to get a good mic position without breaking a window or two.
    I've certainly put more thought into this method lately but I'm still secretly hoping that someone somewhere is going to switch on a big bulb over my head...

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 05, 14 7:19 AM (permalink)
    Peter's sound was formed with a AC30. You're in London. Do the math. ;-)
    If you love the Twin, a Deluxe Reverb will get you that tone and be a lot easier to record and mix.
    Getting a real life guitar sound from a Pod6? Oh behave. ;-)
    In any event, don't be shy about using the lo-cut filter on your recorded tracks to keep the mix from getting to muddy.
    best regards,

    Jay Tee 4303
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 05, 14 5:37 PM (permalink)
    "Standalone...guitar lovely, but in a mix..."
    Try playing the mix with all muted cept guitar.  This may go quicker w 4-6 busses steada individual trax. Guitar lovely, yes or no? If yes, you captured the lovely you heard on capture/setup, if no...something's been lost and you have to figure out what.
    Unmute vox. Guitar still lovely, yes or no? If yes...unmute the next most likely competitor...keys if present, bass if not. You know where the general freq overlaps occur. When you find the intruder, start w its fader. Bring it in looking for two things, where the masking begins, and, if possible why. Whats going away in guitar, or stepping on it from another source?
    Some usual key elements to a lovely guitar are:
    1. Low end, the chunk from making a big cone move big air.
    2. Phat mids.
    3. Upper mid ring.
    4. Attack, pick noise, chicka chicka (on rhythm)
    5. Sparkle.
    7.Nature of the fuzz if overdriven. Only you can define the proper mix of crunch and fizz.
    8.Post...verb, delay, mod. I've had guitars that worked a ton of different ways till I lost the verb tails in a mix, which killed it.
    Once you know whats going away, and who is causing it, you're on the road to a pair of objectives. First, priorities... maybe the offender is more important to the message than the guitar is. Second, hazy outlines what to do about the conflict. Placement in stereo spread, dynamics on one or both, eq, timing, what takes priority when, how many element's is the listener being asked to focus on at a time? Who is the boss, measure by measure, who can carry the piece alone at that point, indispensible, and is that part virtuoso enough to carry the whole tune or is evolution required? Is this measure a solo, solo w backing, a duet, (back and forth, or blended) a gang fight, team on team, (blended or back and forth), or a climax, all in, all they got?
    If your in the bridge headed for climax, say, guitar bass and drums back n forth w vox, and the vox are too strong, all it might need is the tiniest bit of click/chicka from guitar to get back the balanced tension, and you might just get that carving a few db outta the 5k range on vox for more pick noise on guitar, and lose some nasty vox artifacts in the process, and at the same time, that might kill the mood too.
    With guitar and vox both popular cuz they tag peak human frequency sensitivity, something that's worked for me is to pull unpleasant vox honk 700-900, and see what guitar I can narrowly slot in the gap...how can I tailor distortion and/or verb tails plus dry guitar in a niche where vox isn't working? How can I max that edge with additional small increments of pan or verb differential? Real important for me to keep a close eye on how I did this, cuz I might just want to swing focus back and forth as the message develops.
    One more common one to look at, guitar verb.They often set their own, and it can fight w the common room you set the rest of the piece in very easily, especially if you are adding room to an amp's spring or plate. Recipe for mud there.
    How do you know? Two verbs mushing out, or guitar crunch negatively interacting w vox? Two options...get lucky, or isolate these individual components by seperating them and A/Bing. You effectively have unlimited trax, clone buttons, eq, and mutes, once you find the broader areas of contention w busses. Then you have unlimited tools to address the conflicts.
    In fact, the infinite is the enemy, too many options, unless you harness and group them with a systematic approach, planned in advance, and executed without getting lost in deep space. A hardcopy checklist is my goto, the first time I end a resolution session without finishing the original plan or solving the problem.
    Good luck!
    post edited by Jay Tee 4303 - March 05, 14 5:50 PM

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 05, 14 7:19 PM (permalink)
    I'm not sure how much this plays into Buck's guitar sound, but many Ric players put their Ric's through a compressor first thing. That is in fact the "sound" of Roger McGuinn's 12-string on the Byrds' recordings and there is even a Ric/McGuinn model that includes a compressor in it's electronics. Anyway, you could try adding a good deal of compression to the guitar track, or even recording with compression and see if that helps preserve your sound.
    And of course another option is to get a smaller tube amp, like an 8 watt amp or anything low-watt that will still get a nice tube sound but won't shake the tile off your neighbor's loo.  

    Cactus Music
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 05, 14 9:00 PM (permalink)
    The minute you mentioned the "pod" I need not read further. They just don't come close to sounding like what anybody who has experienced the interaction between a good guitar and a good amp gets. It's a pod, Its for bedroom podding by podders. 
    So here's a solution I use that might work for you too. 
    Isolate the amp in something. 
    A closet, a packing crate, your mini van in the carport. 
    I use a Princeton which is smaller so easier to build a box for, but you get the idea. 
    I use the same setting on my amp I use live in the studio, I have to. Nothing else will work. 
    My amp is in a closet just outside my studio space with a bunch of couch cushions buffering the household from the racket. There is enough air movement to keep it from overheating. It also allows me to record with the mike and work without headphones. 
    An even better idea I'm planning on re doing, is to use an extension cabinet. That way the amp stays in the room with you, but the speaker is isolated. This solves the heat issue as well. I used to do this but sold the little cabinet to a friend, now I miss it so I'm looking at 10" Celestion and build an open back box. 
    Yet a 3rd solution is Radial makes a speaker line level DI box and then a power soak to work the amp. 
    post edited by Cactus Music - March 05, 14 9:05 PM

    Johnny V  
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 06, 14 8:56 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the replies, gang - 'specially Jay Tee (I like your prose - I'll bet you write a nice lyric too).
    I experimented for a couple of hours last night before the family got back home and the sun went down.
    I recorded a few different takes of set-ups with different mic proximity, amp/gtr settings and compressor levels. Was planning to audition them tonight but I'll probably wait until the weekend when I can crank the volume up a bit and listen back at a volume similar to the original playing.
    One step at a time as Jay Tee suggested is probably the first thing to nail: I'll see if I can get SONAR to play back the guitar and make it sound like it did when I played it 'live'.
    Thanks again,
    Oh: and I like this line -
    Cactus Music
     It's a pod, Its for bedroom podding by podders. 

    Will also experiment with Cactus' soundproofing techniques...
    Will aim to share some results with you if and when I get it right.

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 06, 14 3:11 PM (permalink)
    Do you own any software guitar amps? 
    I've actually gotten a few great guitar tones out of Pod Farm 2.5 - not the real deal when comparing to a Twin Reverb on '11 but I think the difference is less when you put the guitar in the mix with the other instruments. 

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 13, 14 12:45 AM (permalink)
    On pods, ampsims, stax, outboard, etc...
    I just finished a practice session at the end of which I laid down perc and guitar for a nice little riff that just popped into my head...on my Android phone, in Voice Recorder. Drums were Electrum on an Android tablet, thru a Soundfreaq bluetooth speaker.
    Guitar was a one pickup Traveler, thru a 50 dollar Marshall, with a 1x4 inch cabinet, running on a nine volt battery, then thru a decades old Microverb 4, then a 50 dollar LTO ZMX  "mixer", and out a pair of  Logitech monitors w 2 inch drivers.
    The groove was good throughout, sound problems gone in the first 60 seconds via selective perception, and I have a good song idea for future development. Gear did exactly what I want of it, function without hassle.
    I won't compare the sound to a wall of Marshalls, but I'm not driving an arena today either. In the studio, I prefer flexibility, and at the outset, full tonal range, but by the time I'm done chopping guitar to make room for the rest of the arrangement, I might very well have less of the spectrum and tonality remaining, than if I used the rig described above.
    In my opinion, if a pod or any other gear drives the groove and I end up with what I need at Mastering, I'm good. In fact I own a Pod Pro that I've never heard, just haven't gotten to the instruction book yet. I normally record thru a Marshall head, w a clean split, both DIed. The Marshall makes it to tape as well as clean signal too, very often rough mixes begin w Amplitube 3, not the Marshall signal.
    If the Pod drives the groove, it will get used. If not...it may end up like a Roland VGA 3 I use as a pre for te clean guitar DI. I have yet to get a tone from it that doesn't make me grit my teeth and lose focus, but I bet I will eventually. I have a Squier thru a BossME-70. Guitar...well no, not yet, but with an EBS Octabass stomp, it makes a great bass signal for either rapid writing coordination tween guitar and bass, and quite possibly a tone I will use for real.
    I dismiss no equipment unless it fails intermittantly, totally, or I decree there's no usable sounds in it, and that's never happened yet. 

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 15, 14 7:51 AM (permalink)
    Waaagghhh! Lightbulb moment!
    Jay Tee, you said something that sparked a synapse somewhere in my brain and set me on a route to sorting my sound out... It was your comment about DI-ing with your Marshall and Roland.
    I checked the manual (pdf was but a pipe-dream when I bought my Twin Amp) and connected the Pre-Amp Out Jack into my desk, unplugged the mighty twin speakers from the Main Spkr jack at the back and was then able to crank the volume up without sending tremors through next door's fishtank. The recorded sound was pretty much spot on - spangly enough to slice a sequin but meaty enough to make Mr T weep. 
    POD's still cool for some wangy overdive sounds ('specially the Fuzzbox setting) but it looks like I'll be using the DI through the Twin Head for main guitar sound from now on.
    Thanks for your comments on this everyone - sometimes the answer is so close to your face you look right through it 'cos it's so blurred...

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 15, 14 8:47 AM (permalink)
    Do not play a Fender Twin without a speaker or load dump plugged in for very long... unless you want to buy a replacement output transformer.

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 15, 14 9:23 AM (permalink)
    Mike is absolutely right.
    For clarity:

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 15, 14 11:22 AM (permalink)
    Wonderful...I don't even own a speaker for the Marshall. Ok...whats the downside of a load dump? How hot do they get? Can I run the pre forever and write off the amp if I never use it? Guessing headphones in the headphone jack  don't count as enough of a load, right. What's the move here, cuz I have no intentions of ever driving the room beyond DI to the daw and mains. Been doing this since January 2010 w no probs I know of...yet.

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 15, 14 11:39 AM (permalink)
    Are you asking about your $50 solid state Marshall or another Marshall tube head you have?
    If it is a Marshall tube head, which head is it? Some tube amps have a protective load resistor built in.
    The Fender Twin does not.
    If you want to run a Twin with out a speaker or load dump hooked up you should have a fire extinguisher handy.
    edit spelling
    post edited by mike_mccue - March 15, 14 11:50 AM

    Jay Tee 4303
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 15, 14 1:00 PM (permalink)
    The head is a Class 5 Valve Amp, and there are two ports for ext speakers, marked 8 and 16 ohm, w a painted line connecting them to the headphone out jack. Interrupting that line is a switch, marked Select.
    I was recently looking at a Fender Twin, for similar purpose, and IIRC, it seemed appropriate solely cuz it had a line out port. Choice was tween that, a Champ, and  Princeton Reverb, one of which had a line out and the other didn't. Haven't pulled the trigger on a Fender yet. Now I'm glad. Time to RTFM. I haven't counted the 6 way outlets here in a long time, but just about every outlet has 1 or more. I do make sure I know how every circuit is loaded, and I've spent $5k on dedicated circuit additions, but...fire is NOT my friend. In fact, after reading Tesla biographies, its probably my biggest fear.

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 15, 14 1:15 PM (permalink)
    The rear panel consists of a selection switch for the headphone jack, which when activated bypasses the internal speaker.
    On THIS amp (Marshall 5 watt) you'll be fine, evidently it was designed for that.
    Not so much with the Twin; although if it has a "Line Out" its a "modern" Twin,
    MAYBE the line out can be used without a "load" attached.
    I doubt it.
    A Marshall "power brake" or one of the many "power soaks" out there would be fine.
    THD comes to mind as one that would work well; Andy is a bloody genius...

    Tom Deering
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 15, 14 1:17 PM (permalink)
    Marshall Class 5 appears to have a 15ohm "protection" resistor rated at 25watts to keep people from ruining their amps, output transformers, power tubes and power supply. :-)
    I think built in protection has become somewhat common in small designs made after consumers got used to not having to worry about this with their solid state transformerless amps.
    Back when home stereo and music instrument amps were all tube and transformer coupled everyone knew that running an amp without a speaker load ruined the fun. 
    Don't be confused by my statement though, as there is no practical way to provide built in protection for large 100 watt amps. It takes too much space to soak up 100 watts and so the big Marshalls and most other new heads don't have any on board protection.
    Have fun!!!

    The Maillard Reaction
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 15, 14 1:20 PM (permalink)
    The rear panel consists of a selection switch for the headphone jack, which when activated bypasses the internal speaker.
    On THIS amp (Marshall 5 watt) you'll be fine, evidently it was designed for that.
    Not so much with the Twin; although if it has a "Line Out" its a "modern" Twin,
    MAYBE the line out can be used without a "load" attached.
    I doubt it.
    A Marshall "power brake" or one of the many "power soaks" out there would be fine.
    THD comes to mind as one that would work well; Andy is a bloody genius...

    Hi Tom,
    FWIW, "The Twin" and the "65 VRI" schematics don't appear to have any protection. The older Tweed, Brown, Black, and Silver versions certainly did not. :-)
    best regards,

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 16, 14 1:58 AM (permalink)
    Totally unrelated to recent comments, but maybe different amp sims (e.g., Amplitube Fender) might get you there.
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 16, 14 6:55 AM (permalink)
    Although I agree that micing the amp is the best (and normally I will use two mic's).  I did a recent recording session and connected our lead guitar player through my POD X3 (I don't remember which "tone" I used).  The lead guitar player is a "must have Fender guy" with an old USA Fender Strat with blue Lace Sensor pickups and the model with the "ball bearing" nut and a 60's Deluxe Reverb amp.  When he heard the final of the CD project he commented that "I made his Strat sound very good".  The recordings were pure "traditional country" with no overdrive/distortion.  The only thing I added to the dry POD X3 sound was some delay using the Echoplex in the POD Farm 2.   

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 17, 14 8:24 AM (permalink)
    Any reply written in such large red text is worth sitting up and listening to so, as I have no education with power/loads/load-dumps, I need to pick your collective brains on a few related subjects:
    On the back panel of my Twin, there is a jack called PRE-AMP OUT
    The manual states "The PRE-AMP OUT JACK, in conjunction with the POWER AMP IN JACK, provides a post-reverb patch point at the power amplifier input. This jack can be used to provide an unbalanced, line-level signal (1.3dBV) for recording and sound reinforcement consoles, and for driving external power amplifiers, or another TWIN used as a slave amp."
    This is the output that I had connected via patchbay to my PC soundcard and gave me a great recorded sound.
    I can use this WITHOUT unplugging the big amp speakers but I unplugged them anyway to reduce the sound level in my house. If necessary, I can keep the main speakers connected but I'll just have to soundproof the room a bit.
    I also have 3 output jacks for speakers: i) MAIN SPKER, ii) EXTERNAL SPKR PARALLEL, iii) EXT SPKR SERIES
    The 2 big speakers (8 ohm each) plug into i) and the Impedance selector switch is set to 16 ohms.
    I'm kind of assuming that if I try connecting any of these directly to my soundcard then I'll be looking to buy a new soundcard (and possibly a new pair of trousers).
    There is also an XLR output called BALANCED LINE OUTPUT 3db.
    Amongst other things, the manual states: "If the BALANCED LINE OUT is used as a send to a mixing console, it
    should normally be pre-equalized before going to the console input. What works well is to run the BALANCED LINE OUT signal through a low-pass filter set to 5 to 6 kHz. The slope of the filter needs to be steep, 18 dB per octave minimum."
    This might be a better bet for me as I can capture a louder signal to my PC and therefore keep the external speakers plugged in without needing to produce so much sound through them.
    Lastly on the back panel, there's a switch that flips between Output Low and Output High.
    The manual states:
    "When in the OUTPUT HIGH position, the maximum output power of the Twin is set to 100 watts RMS
    When in the OUTPUT LOW position, 25 watts RMS."
    Will this make any difference to the load or where I can plug a direct output to my desk?
    Any advice you can offer would be great - I'm trying to find that happy medium between recording a great sounding guitar and not destroying thousands of pounds worth of equipment.
    Sorry to sound a bit dense about this but there are a number of areas in which I consider myself to be expert but this is clearly not one of them.

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 17, 14 8:51 AM (permalink)
    Hi Frink,
     I believe we have already given you the definitive answer. Your amp does not have any load protection for the output transformer except the speakers. If you don't want to use the speakers... you need to hook up a suitable load.
     I am offering this advice on the assumption that you own/operate a variant of the Fender Twin known as "the Twin", which has all the features you have described:

    ... you know what they say about assumptions. :-)
    Having read your post, I think you understand what all the options are, so it seems like it's really up to you to decide how you want to manage your choices.
    I know why I no longer have any Twins... they are so darn loud. :-)
    The 25 watt option may be a good choice. It's a relatively new feature compared to the classic Fender Twin circuit and it seems like it is a strategy that starves the power tubes of voltage while leaving the preamp tubes at full voltage so it should alter the tone, head room and distortion character of the speaker output substantially, but probably will not alter the sound of direct out options to much.
    Tom Deering recommended some good power soak products. You may enjoy those choices.
    You just have to decide what's best for you.
    I'm glad you saw the big red letters... my primary interest is in helping you not destroy your amp, and I will leave the tone quest for you. :-)
    all the best,

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 17, 14 9:55 AM (permalink)
    Thanks Mike,
    Your mail confirms that I do indeed understand what's going on now - many thanks for that.
    As an aside, I've just been in contact with a helpful chap at Fender UK and he has recommended a couple of models of load dump such as THD Hotplate which he is using to test amps at full power without disturbing the peace.
    In any case, I now have options to try - most importantly I know that my gear will be safe.
    Thanks again for the advice (and everyone else who chipped in).
    PS: For the record your assumption was indeed correct.
    I do know what they say about assumptions: they make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'mption'.

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    Windows 7 64bit / SONAR X3d
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 19, 14 6:28 AM (permalink)
    Also like to thank Mike and Deering. Very timely warning!
    Hotplate, hmmm?
    Will it keep my coffee warm while tracking?

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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 19, 14 8:50 AM (permalink)
    You're right - I'd missed the thanks to Mike and Deering: great info guys- I appreciate your support - particularly as it may have saved my equipment from extinction!
    Looking at the price of the hotplate, I probably wouldn't be able to afford coffee for a while (on my budget) if I bought one so I looked around and found this:
    The chap at RAT has been spot-on with some quick replies to my mails as well - good customer service there.
    I've decided to spend the weekend experimenting with sound levels in the lab and then, probably go ahead with a RAT Dummy Load if I still want to turn the speakers off. Will report back if anything exciting happens...

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    Windows 7 64bit / SONAR X3d
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 20, 14 7:33 AM (permalink)
    Hi All,
    For the record, my Twin has an XLR output called BALANCED LINE OUTPUT 3db.
    Taking a line from here to the soundcard via a compressor gives a really hot signal so, with the OUTPUT switch set to LOW (25w), I can record some good noises and leave the speakers plugged in.
    So far so good...

    Now, THAT wasn't supposed to happen...
    Windows 7 64bit / SONAR X3d
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    Re: Rickenbacker + POD + SONAR = ?? March 21, 14 2:47 PM (permalink)
    Glad to hear you got a handle on your tone, Frink!
    I bookmarked the rat valve site, I just might have him mod my Marshall, the lack of a Master volume has me back and forth with the DSP mixer and Sonar, when I should be laying tracks.
    Thanks for the feed!

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