Altiverb 7.2.0 finally for WINDOWS!!!!!!

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2014/04/10 20:05:38 (permalink)

Altiverb 7.2.0 finally for WINDOWS!!!!!!

I saw an announcement on KVR, dated 4/10/14 (not 04/01/14), announcing a Windows version 7 for WINDOWS!  Trying to upgrade now but their store checkout page seems to be currently hosed. I will report back once I upgrade.
post edited by jkleban - 2014/04/10 20:10:17

The Lamb Laid Down on MIDI
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    Re: Altiverb 7.2.0 finally for WINDOWS!!!!!! 2014/04/11 10:11:32 (permalink)
    sure it wasn't a April fools joke?  (kiddin')
    that's great news.  Now maybe they will do Speakerphone 2 64bit.  probably take them 2 more years but eventually, maybe, they can get back to it.
    Audioease must be a really small team, they are slower than the turtle in that race.
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    Re: Altiverb 7.2.0 finally for WINDOWS!!!!!! 2014/04/11 10:21:20 (permalink)
    And I wouldn't expect any new version after this anytime soon.
    Many are getting away from using convo verb altogether for orchestral & sound design in favor of algo.

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    Re: Altiverb 7.2.0 finally for WINDOWS!!!!!! 2014/04/11 10:31:41 (permalink)
    They are a small team and they also are a bit... Mactarded.
    You sometimes see issues from Mac centric shops because their programmers don't understand Windows and so the way they go about things doesn't work well with Windows systems.
    Audioease has always been that way. Heck, the name of their product declares it "Altiverb". It was a reference to "Altivec" which was what Apple christened the SIMD extensions in the PPC 7400 series chips. The addition of vector math made it feasible to make convolution reverb in software, which is just what they did. However they were pretty enamored with it and said that "only the G4 is powerful enough to run this!" which of course wasn't true, Intel CPUs had vector math extensions for some time and indeed later Altiverb got ported to Windows.
    So that heritage kinda sticks around with them, and their Windows development is still lacking.
    The Band19
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    Re: Altiverb 7.2.0 finally for WINDOWS!!!!!! 2014/04/14 20:08:54 (permalink)
    They say it's an upgrade from 6, I have 5? I also need to UG my OS to install it. Not ready just yet, but soon...

    Sittin downtown in a railway station one toke over the line.
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