Playing around with Zynaptiq PitchMap
I saw some of the online demos for this plug-in and was pretty impressed; so I thought I'd see if I could do something cool with it. I wanted a real challenge so I brought up a session I did for a friend a while back. Here's a link to the original song: (try to at least make it through the first chorus) I wanted to make something more upbeat and as you can tell, I had my work cut out for me. I added some drum loops that came with Sonar and changed the piano library to a harpsichord. I inserted Pitchmap on the harpsichord and changed the key and scale. Doing that brought out a bunch of cool resonances and harmonics and I used them as a starting point for some additional keyboard parts. Softsynths were Knotakt, Kore and z3ta. I used pieces of the original vocal tracks processed through Pitchmap controlled through MIDI. Besides Pitchmap, the effects and processing were pretty standard: A little compression on the drum buss, delay on the vocal tracks, a little reverb here and there and sidechained compression and gating to make some of the parts pump. I used a little multiband compression and the Concrete Limiter on the master buss. The mix still isn't complete, but it's in the ballpark. Let me know what you think: Disclamer - I really don't know the first thing about this genre of music. In fact, I don't really even like it, but it was fun to stretch myself a little bit and try something new.
BTW, after using PitchMap for a while, I was impressed enough that I bought the full version. I found a place that offered a great cross-grade price for Melodyne owners.