A voice...
(Heavy static and wild interference) Hello!...hello? "Bompeia" to Planet Cakewalk Forum...Planet Cakewalk Forum, this is "Bompeia"...Come in, Planet Cakewalk Forum. This is "Bompeia", calling out from spaceship Cakewalk Music Creator Pro 24, powered by the now-ancient, obsolete operating system, Windows XP Service Pack 3. Is there anybody out there? I repeat, Planet Cakewalk Forum, is there anyone else out there? I have been stranded (more static, howling interference) by Cakewalk and Microsoft Windows. Support is running low. Signal is fading, loss of contact imminent. The end is near. All may be lost. May have to jettison outdated software and obsolete operating system if rescue party fails to materialize. Survival uncertain. Will attempt to re-establish communications as soon as my ship commences second orbital run around Planet Cakewalk Forum. God save the queen. This is "Bompeia," over and out...