Re:Question about SONAR and REAC and recording
April 01, 11 5:55 AM
I don't know the system but my guess is that your 40 tracks will be played back through the master bus in Sonar to a Stereo out which can be sent to your drummer. And I will guess that whatever audio coming in can be routed to the same stereo output, either through Sonar or via direct monitoring in the V-mixer so the performer can hear him/her self as well. And my guess is also that you don't have to re-record all 40 tracks again. You just arm the tracks you want to re-record and it will simply just playback the rest of the tracks through the monitors while recording on the armed tracks.
Like I said, I'm guessing here, but I have never come across a recording device where this wasn't possible and standard behaviour.
If you want to try this out, open one of the projects and Save As "projectnameMKII" or something - remember to un-check "copy all audio" in the save dialogue. Then try to re-record something on one of the tracks. This way you can see how it behaves without messing up your original project;)
Best of luck
(Sonar Platinum - Win10 x64) - iMac and 13" MacBook - Logic Pro X ++ - UA Apollo Twin DUO - NI Maschine MKII - NI Komplete Kontrol S61 - Novation Nocturne - KRK Rokit 6
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