Helpful ReplyLooking For a Vocoder

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2014/09/12 10:09:51 (permalink)

Looking For a Vocoder

I'm wondering, does anybody know where I can find a screenreader accessible vocoder that works in Sonar 8.5? I've tried Pentagon I, but I'm not sure if
that one is fully screenreader accessible. I've tried the MFreeFX Bundle from Melda Productions, but even that one isn't screenreader friendly.
The screenreader I use is JAWS (Job Access With Speech), and I use Caketalking 8.5, which is accessibility software for Sonar 8.5 which works in conjunction
with JAWS. The kind of vocoder I'm looking for is one that includes settings that can sound like the Sonnovox, the Talk Box, and Zapp & Roger.

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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/12 10:47:07 (permalink)
I use Vocodex but no idea if it meets your specific needs.

There's a few videos on youtube too.
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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/12 13:23:35 (permalink)
Might be you can use youtube or some other video resource. Well, i do also want to know more about Voccoders and checked @Strikinglyhandsome1 links. it is nice, thanks Strikinglyhandsome1.
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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/12 13:37:55 (permalink)
Might be you can use youtube or some other video resource. Well, i do also want to know more about Voccoders and checked @Strikinglyhandsome1 links. it is nice, thanks Strikinglyhandsome1.

Also check out Melda's Vocoder:
and also The Mouth from NI's's also a very useful harmonizer (on top of the really fun factor to use). :)
As far as the OP is concerned, these might not what be what you're looking for.......

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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/12 14:57:03 (permalink)
As always buy during a sale! It's considerably cheaper!
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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/13 13:51:46 (permalink)
Someone tried to make a vocoder using voices from the Macintosh computer. I'm not sure who it was, nor where I can find this. I wonder if it's even possible to find these voices to make a vocoder. If so, where can I find these voices if I don't have a Mac?

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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/13 18:09:44 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby ShellstaX 2014/09/14 10:25:15
there are different techniques and hardware and software to achieve what you have asked for but they are all different.
text to speech is most often using software to emulate vocal phonemes as heard speech.  you type in to a program "hava n ice die" and you heard through the program "have a nice day" in a sort of robotic voice.
these are software programs typically called voice synthesizers.  Like Apple iPhone Siri etc.  Example:
Roger Ebert on TED Talks about how he got his "voice" back:
then there is a Vocoder.  which in simple terms takes 2 sound sources to work, and an input signal and another signal to change or affect the original signal to give you a new outputted signal.  technical definition of how it works:
and an example:
then there is a device called a Talk Box.  which is sort of like a vocoder but involves a tube that you sing or breath into and effects the signal.  explanation:
Peter Frampton -Talk box discussion and example:
Zapp, Peter Frampton, Dre & 2Tupac "California Love" all use Talk Box devices.
Roger Troutman talking about Talk Box:
What are you looking for?
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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/13 20:17:47 (permalink)
I was looking for a software that can do both what Zapp & Roger does, as well as Peter Frampton. By the way, that example video with Peter Frampton had me laughing till I fell out of my seat! When Roger Troutman did his, was it hooked up to a keyboard? I'm confused on that one!

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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/14 00:27:37 (permalink)

Sittin downtown in a railway station one toke over the line.
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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/14 12:14:32 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Annabelle 2014/09/14 20:34:57
Good on you MachineClaw (marked Helpful) - your thoughts were the same as mine i.e, what is Annabelle trying to achieve?
Frankly Annabelle, I still don't fully understand the Accessability requirement (JAWS etc).)
You wish say a written lyric sheet to be read by JAWS and sung back as Peter Frampton through a TalkBox?
Are you after a realtime voice changer like MorphVOX Pro? (This does tout accessibility options).
Or are you seeking to compose music with you DAW?
(VoiceMeeter) may assist in providing a virtual driver/cable to route the sound from JAWS to DAW/Vocoder and maintain ASIO quality).
As MachineClaw eluded Talkboxes that Frampton and Roger use are hardware devices. I'm yet to see a virtual implementation to get quite the same 'feel'.
Voice tranformation tools include:
Vocoders - e.g, MVocoder, Orange, TAL Vocoder 2
Vocal Harmonizers - The Mouth, Vocalizer
Pitch Shifters - Melodyne, Autotune (think Cher / T-Pain)
Vocoders are similar to a talkbox in that they have 2 inputs: Modulator and Carrier signals.
Modulator - Mouth Tube
Carrier - Guitar (Frampton), Keyboard (Roger / Wonder)
In Vocoder these cany be any resultant audio but are typically:
Modulator - Microphone
Carrier - Soft Synth (MIDI input to resultant Audio out)
I have the paid MVocoder and the free TAL Vocoder 2 - I suggest you try TAL-V2 - it's free ... and I'm had some success with it. (Whether me or it, I've not yet achieved the desired results with MVocoder).
... It's not super straight forward ... but fun.
- It took me a bit to configure it correctly - you'll know when you do - it sounds right
- You might be searching through your sounds libraries to try to find the right combination
- You unlikely going to get the full intonations of the analog device and will be fiddling with MIDI syllables in search of it
- Use a Power Chord Electric Guitar type Carrier for Frampton, or sawtooth based synth for Roger
- I'll divulge - For Frampton - I use a Lead called 'Steam Punk' from a free Rapture SoundBank from AZur Studio
- 'Do you feel' - C6,D6,F6 etc
- Use TAL-V2 Preset - Voice Robot 2 - can tweak EQ further. Chorus ON, PolyMode ON.
- I put TAL in a Bus with a bit of reverb and Compressor/Concrete Limiter (To protect against peaks during testing).
- Mic(Modulator) panned right panned R, out to Bus
- Rapture(Carrier) panned Left, out to Bus
- Bus to Master
post edited by ShellstaX - 2014/09/14 12:16:36
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Re: Looking For a Vocoder 2014/09/20 10:33:46 (permalink)
I've tried the Tal Vocoder, however there are two downsides.
1. It's not fully compatible with my screenreader. I can access the presets, but the buttons are bitmap-based.
2. The resultant sound is so low that I can barely hear it.
3. I use Cakewalk TTS 1 as the source sound to make the vocoder work.
4. Is there a free software vocoder without a GUI, that could possibly work with a screenreader like JAWS?

I Dream of Australia, France, and Canada, three wonderful nations that represent who I really am.
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