Limited to 8 Instrument Tracks?

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October 01, 14 9:58 PM (permalink)

Limited to 8 Instrument Tracks?

The website says up to 128 instrument tracks, but when I add instrument tracks how the documentation says to, Music Creator says i'm only able to add 8.  I suppose I'm doing something wrong but not sure what.  Any help would be great!

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    Re: Limited to 8 Instrument Tracks? October 01, 14 10:06 PM (permalink)
    Here is a table from the help file listing MC6T features
    There is a limit of 128 MIDI tracks, 32 audio tracks and 8 instruments. In this case the 8 instruments refers to 8 soft synths not 8 instrument tracks. TTS-1 is a multi-timbral instrument which can play up to 16 MIDI tracks on 4 audio tracks per instance. So 8 instances of TTS-1 could max out MC6T using all 128 MIDI tracks and 32 audio tracks.
    I believe there may be some confusion about what an instrument track is in MC6T. An instrument track is a combination of an audio track and a MIDI track associated with an synth. There could only be a maximum of 8 instrument tracks in an MC6T project because of the 8 instrument (soft synth) limit. In order to create a larger project, either use a mutli-timbral synth like TTS-1 or bounce some of the instrument tracks to audio to free up an instrument slot.
    BTW, the table in the link is a little old. It compares MC6T to X2 which is no longer available. The base version of X3 which replaced X2 Essential eliminated all the track, bus,send, effect and instrument limits.
    post edited by scook - October 01, 14 10:22 PM
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    Re: Limited to 8 Instrument Tracks? October 02, 14 9:38 AM (permalink)
    ^^^^^   What he said.
    Yes MC is limited to 8 synths at a time in the rack. However, you can use the multichannel aspect of TTS or you can simply swap midi tracks in and out of the synth and bounce the synth to an audio track. This lets you bounce the audio out to an audio track. You can then "disconnect the midi track" from the synth and create a new midi track that you attach to that same synth, change the patch and repeat this process for each track. The Midi tracks take up very little room and are there if you need to go back and tweeze something.
    OR>>>>  upgrade to the full version of Sonar and the limitation on synths goes away...well.... it's actually related to the power of the computer from that point forward.
    If you don't know how to set up TTS to play 16 midi tracks simply go here:
    I set this page up years ago to help folks understand some things about TTS. Using it's multichannel capability allows you to use ONE instance to play up to 16 instruments. It's about MC4 & 5 but the info still pertains to MC6. 

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    Re: Limited to 8 Instrument Tracks? October 02, 14 3:24 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the help!
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