Fireberd has brought up an important fact. Don't ever run out and buy any audio interface without first making a list of which features you want.
Just because someone else is happy does not mean it will work in your set up. And little things like the lack of convenient front controls would make a huge difference to a lot of us.
Here is a list of some common things to think about:
How many inputs and what type are they. Combi Jacks?
Front panel pad or GUI driven?
With a 2 channel interface is each different? will they record stereo?
XLR mike pre's, phantom power per channel or global?
Line level and Instruments inputs, Balanced, toggle switch, +4 or -10 ?
Back panel inputs?
How many outputs, Balanced, 1/4" or XLR? RCA?
SPDIF in/out
MIDI in /out
ADAT and all those other expansion formats.
Headphones, 2 headphone mixes? are there controls on the front?
Insert jacks on pre amps?
Monitor level control front panel ? Better yet, one for outputs 1/2 and one for 3/4.
Real Input metering or clip LED?
Solid metal box or cheap plastic.
On/ off switch
Buss powered or power supply ? Buss power is convenient for mobile, but has issues in a studio set up with possible USB noise and weak Phantom power for some mikes.
DSP - built in effects can be handy for tracking vocals with reverb in the headphones but not printed to tape.
GUI mixer? I find the Focusrite Mix Control software very powerful for cue mixes.
And does it come with free software? There is sometime good value in the freebies. I upgraded from X1 LE to X3 Studio for $99. That was a $100 or more in savings. Don't knock the freebies.
Support? What do others say? Focusrite has been prompt and solid for me.
And most important of all - Drivers!
As example RME will be the top of the list for solid drivers and they also have very good round trip latency performance. You rarely hear of someone having issues due to drivers with RME.
Roland and Focusrite drivers might be solid but they are at the bottom of the bench test list for round trip latency performance due to hidden buffers. Read this:
post edited by sock monkey - 2014/10/02 12:57:47