Re: Halion Sonic / Sampletank 3 / NI Bandstand / Hypersonic 2 ?
2014/10/08 05:47:53
I dunno, I'm not such a fan of the Hypersonic sound. It isn't bad but it isn't blowing me away. Over all, I'd probably say I prefer the ST3 version. In particular the drums are more tight and solid and the strings sound thicker, and less synthy. Neither is wonderful, but that's my general comparison for that test.
It can also depend on what you are used to. If you are really used to a certain sound, it starts to sound "right" to you and different ones can sound "wrong" unless you give them a chance.
Also as a practical matter I find that none of the "do everything" sample sets/synths are great at everything and often specialized libraries beat them out. Also a sound that is good for one thing, may not be for another.
This includes when you are talking about playing with old General MIDI files, which is something I love to do. Sometimes different sounds work for different songs. For example I've been fiddling with the music from the original Xcom, since OpenXCOM finally came out stable. I find different instruments/synths sound right to me for different parts, even though they'll have the same general kind of instrument. Like on the Geoscape track the fingered bass line sounded good with the Scarabee Jaybass from Komplete, fed through Bass Pro in Guitar Rig. However none of the basses in it sounded good for the fretless line, for that I ended up liking the fretless bass in Halion Sonic 2. Likewise the synth bass and synth strings I used Synthmaster for, but I couldn't find a synth brass in it I liked for that I used Massive, and for the E Piano it was FM8. That's just what ended up having the best sound to me.
Also I've found that often the things that sound "right" on the widest range of GM stuff are the most bland. My Eidrol SD-20 sounds "right" on basically every song, but it does so at the expense of life in many sounds. It is very mediocre. Contrast that to some of the "high end" samples I have that don't always work, but often sound really beautiful when they do.
In general, I'm more happy with newer synths and samplers than older ones. I think they over all tend to sound better.