Re: editing velocities
2014/12/24 09:26:15
☄ Helpfulby Scude 2014/12/24 10:59:17
Yes, you can edit velocities in midi on any of the cake products.
I can't offer any help other than to say that yes, you can do it.... at the moment, I'm not on the DAW computer and I don't work with midi sufficiently to give you the easy way.
When I work with midi, it's generally in the staff view.... as opposed to the PRV view. I know you can edit ALL midi parameters from either view. Someone who uses PRV can answer how in that view.... since I use staff, I will tell you that one. Simply right click on the specific note you want to edit.... (I think it's a R click..... might be L so try the other if the first doesn't work) A box will open with all of the midi note's parameters..... pitch, volume, and velocity will also be there..... simply chance the value in the box by typing a new number. close the box and move to the next note. Doing it this way is slow and tedious.
I believe that in the PRV view, you can actually select the velocity parameter and draw an envelope over the notes you want affected by the velocity change and it's done that quick. But again....perhaps someone more familiar with the actual process will drop in and comment.
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