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Recent project list in the File menu
A way to edit this list would be handy. The only way to remove an item from the list from within Sonar is to delete or move the project folder, then select the project from the list. Sonar will then report an error and remove the project from the list. Yes, I realize this is small in the grand scheme. I'm putting it here so it can be documented and maybe addressed when somebody is doing other work nearby anyway UPDATE: As the above process crashes Sonar, it is a big deal after all.
post edited by BobF - February 01, 15 8:31 AM
Bob -- Angels are crying because truth has died ...Illegitimi non carborundum --Studio One Pro / i7-6700@3.80GHZ, 32GB Win 10 Pro x64 Roland FA06, LX61+, Fishman Tripleplay, FaderPort, US-16x08 + ARC2.5/Event PS8s Waves Gold/IKM Max/Nomad Factory IS3/K11U
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Re: Recent project list in the File menu
February 01, 15 2:11 PM
BobF A way to edit this list would be handy. The only way to remove an item from the list...
Isn't this a Windows issue rather than a Sonar one? Try deleting the relevant project's shortcut the from the Window's "Recent" folder. [Sorry that I can't advise right now about where to find this folder, as I am currently sitting in front of an XP machine].
SonarPlatinum∞(|Mixbus32C(4.3.19)|DigitalPerformer(9.5.1)|Reaper(5.77)FractalDesign:DefineR5|i7-6850k@4.1GHz|16GB@2666MHz-DDR4|MSI:GamingProCarbonX99a|Matrox:M9148(x2)|UAD2solo(6.5.2)|W7Ult-x64-SP1 Audient:iD22+ASP800|KRK:VXT6|+various-outboard-gear|+guitars&basses, etc. Having fun at work lately
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Re: Recent project list in the File menu
February 01, 15 2:25 PM
I see it as cake issue since cake decided to use the win implementation, which has people in the registry to deal with it. The crash is definitely Sonar. I'll try to find where you mentioned .
Bob -- Angels are crying because truth has died ...Illegitimi non carborundum --Studio One Pro / i7-6700@3.80GHZ, 32GB Win 10 Pro x64 Roland FA06, LX61+, Fishman Tripleplay, FaderPort, US-16x08 + ARC2.5/Event PS8s Waves Gold/IKM Max/Nomad Factory IS3/K11U
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Re: Recent project list in the File menu
February 01, 15 2:30 PM
The file names are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\Platinum\Recent File List.
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Re: Recent project list in the File menu
February 01, 15 2:36 PM
scook The file names are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\Platinum\Recent File List.
yep, that's what I was referring to when I mention having people in the registry
Bob -- Angels are crying because truth has died ...Illegitimi non carborundum --Studio One Pro / i7-6700@3.80GHZ, 32GB Win 10 Pro x64 Roland FA06, LX61+, Fishman Tripleplay, FaderPort, US-16x08 + ARC2.5/Event PS8s Waves Gold/IKM Max/Nomad Factory IS3/K11U
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Re: Recent project list in the File menu
February 01, 15 6:52 PM
Here is an autohotkey script bound to Windows+R to delete selected projects from the recent file list in SONAR Platinum #r:: ;HKCU path, modify for your version of SONAR recentFileList := "Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\Platinum\Recent File List" varCount = 0 ; count of registry entries with data totalCount = 1 ; total count of registry entries Gui, New, , SONAR Recently Used List Gui, Add, Text, , Check items to delete then click OK ; loop to create check list of projects from registry Recent File List Loop, Reg, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\%recentFileList%, V { RegRead, value If ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 16, Error, Unable to read %A_LoopRegName% Goto GuiClose } ; only show checkboxes for keys with data if value { Array%A_Index% := value Gui, Add, Checkbox, vFile%A_Index%, %value% varCount += 1 } totalCount += 1 } Gui, Add, Button, w60 default xm Section, OK Gui, Add, Button, x+80 ys w60, &Cancel Gui, Show ReturnButtonOK: Gui, Submit Gui, Cancel keyCount = 1 ; used to create registry keys ; loop to write out unchecked projects Loop, %varCount% { variable := File%A_Index% ; checkbox variables element := Array%A_Index% ; registry string values IfEqual, variable, 0 { RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, %recentFileList%, File%keyCount%, %element% keyCount += 1 } } ; loop to delete extra keys While keyCount < totalCount { RegDelete, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, %recentFileList%, File%keyCount% keyCount += 1 } ButtonCancel:GuiClose:GuiEscape: Gui, Destroy ExitAppEdit: updated code
post edited by scook - October 21, 15 8:39 AM
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Re: Recent project list in the File menu
February 02, 15 1:56 PM
Removing recent file items is also possible in Duckbar version 2.2.7 or newer: In Duckbar you can also save / recall lists and clear all items at once.
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Re: Recent project list in the File menu
February 03, 15 9:14 AM
panup Removing recent file items is also possible in Duckbar version 2.2.7 or newer:
 In Duckbar you can also save / recall lists and clear all items at once.
Nice I just visited and tried it out. See "I don't get it" at the DB forum
Bob -- Angels are crying because truth has died ...Illegitimi non carborundum --Studio One Pro / i7-6700@3.80GHZ, 32GB Win 10 Pro x64 Roland FA06, LX61+, Fishman Tripleplay, FaderPort, US-16x08 + ARC2.5/Event PS8s Waves Gold/IKM Max/Nomad Factory IS3/K11U