locking midi when adjusting tempo with audio palatte

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March 28, 15 9:40 AM (permalink)

locking midi when adjusting tempo with audio palatte

Hope this is posted in the right place... the forum looks different from last time I was here!!!
Anyhow, when I match a midi tempo to fit an audio track (not the other way around) using audio snap, BOTH tempo AND midi notes get moved to FIT the audio track.   
I don't want my midi notes adjusted in position!   I ONLY want the tempo track adjusted.... So I can't figure out how to "lock" the midi track so that the notes don't shift their positions, even slightly, when I use audio snap.
Any way to prevent the midi info from being "adjusted" by audio snap???

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    Re: locking midi when adjusting tempo with audio palatte March 28, 15 11:06 AM (permalink)
    Existing MIDI will normally always follow tempo changes since MIDI is referenced to the M:B:T timeline. What you need to do is use Set Measure/Beat at Now to tell SONAR what measure/beat should fall at a given absolute time referenced in the audio. SONAR will calculate and modify the most recent tempo entry for you and recalculate MIDI event times so that their absolute playback timing is not altered.
    But I'm a little curious how you got where you are. Was the MIDI recorded to the audio with no metronome reference? Normally, you'd snap the timeline to the audio first, and then record MIDI.

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    Re: locking midi when adjusting tempo with audio palatte March 28, 15 1:45 PM (permalink)
    Just to clarify, I'm trying to get AudioSnap to "tempo match" (not sure of the right terminology) one audio track with a separate midi track.   I used to do this with Cubase and sometimes with Reaper (both of which I own), but I only recently discovered that you can do it in Sonar, and I've always been a Cakewalk person.
    So I just started playing with it today, and noticed that (unlike Reaper and Cubase) Sonar AudioSnap was adjusting BOTH the midi tempo track AND the position of midi notes as well.  Got kind of confusing, because notes on my piano track were being moved slightly one way and another from their original position!
    I should be clear, what I'm doing here is a little different from the norm: 2 tracks, one midi the other audio: I'm not altering the audio track, only the tempo track of the midi file to fit a pre-existing audio track.
    For example,  I have step-inputted track of, say, a Chopin nocturne, on one hand.   I have my own audio track of a live recording of the same nocturne I did awhile back.   I want the midi track to match the tempo of my audio recording.  So I use AudioSnap to change the tempo of the midi track so that it matches exactly the tempo of my audio recording.  I DON't want the position of the notes on the midi track to be altered.  Just the tempo of the midi track.  AudioSnap is changing BOTH, which kind of defeats the purpose for me.
    post edited by johnlewisgrant - March 28, 15 1:53 PM
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    Re: locking midi when adjusting tempo with audio palatte March 28, 15 2:12 PM (permalink)
    Hold on.... does Sonar 8.5.3 even have Project>Set Measure/beat at Now???   Or an equivalent?
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    Re: locking midi when adjusting tempo with audio palatte March 28, 15 2:21 PM (permalink)
    If you wish to discuss an older version of SONAR, it might be a good idea to let everyone know in your initial post or add information in your .sig about which version you are using.
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    Re: locking midi when adjusting tempo with audio palatte March 28, 15 2:26 PM (permalink)
    Sorry... I should have indicated that I'm talking 8.5!!!
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    Re: locking midi when adjusting tempo with audio palatte March 28, 15 11:01 PM (permalink)
    The good news is, yes, 8.5.3 has Set Measure.Beat At Now, but the default accelerator assignment in that release was Shift+N. The bad news is that it was slightly broken in that release, and did not place tempo changes exactly on the beat that you set, which could be problematic. Time to upgrade.

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