I want multiple Time DISPLAYS for myself my children and grand children

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2015/04/25 20:56:43 (permalink)
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I want multiple Time DISPLAYS for myself my children and grand children

As I have posted earlier in my life I want more TIME DISPLAYs:
Tonight I want THREE, all selectable, so I can see:
1  NOW TIME   Measures
Is this so wrong?

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    Re: I want multiple Time DISPLAYS for myself my children and grand children 2015/04/27 04:55:27 (permalink)
    I wouldn't mind being able to display both H:M:S and M:B.T on ruler. Reaper has this.
    I think Cubase has an intresting solution having these ruler tracks - so you can put these where you need them right above a track and have any display on this. And you can decide to split view at ruler to always have it on top and some settings like that.
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    Re: I want multiple Time DISPLAYS for myself my children and grand children 2015/04/27 05:22:19 (permalink)
    You can show 2 now: one above the left hand pane of the track view and one in the control bar.  Almost there...
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    Re: I want multiple Time DISPLAYS for myself my children and grand children 2015/04/27 07:24:32 (permalink)
    If only talking about NOW Time - you have big clock as well. Every click inside switch display format.
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    Re: I want multiple Time DISPLAYS for myself my children and grand children 2015/04/27 10:17:38 (permalink)
    I have two time rulers showing. But it is not easy to read them quickly
    Having to change the SINGLE display is not convenient.
    And having the AIM time displayed can help lots when not way zoomed in.
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    Re: I want multiple Time DISPLAYS for myself my children and grand children 2015/04/29 04:12:57 (permalink)
    Good one, and easy to implement: just allow the 'big time' to be configured in flexible ways: samples and seconds, or MBT.   Check the kind you want to see, and get three big time windows or four, or perhaps one window divided into 4 displays.
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