Groove Clip (follow pitch) question: Why only major chords?

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2015/05/19 16:00:59 (permalink)

Groove Clip (follow pitch) question: Why only major chords?

Enjoying the the Groove 3 tutorial "Sonar Advanced".. 
Its clear to me now how to make the loop/clip follow different pitch/chords through Markers.. however, I am not sure how to handle minor, 7th, 9th chords.
Example/scenario: blues based song
Working with B3 Hammond type of loop and I want it to follow the 12 bar blues chords (A7-D7-E7).. i can go to marker and change the key, but can I do something so that it play D7 instead of D (too much to ask?)... i see only Major keys in that list.. 
I am sure my understand of this is wrong somewhere.. any help would give me more control over loops.

Macbook Pro (Early 2011)
INTEL i5-2.4 ghz
SoundCard: Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 
Sonar Platinum
M-Audio 88es
Fishman Triple Play 
Ibanez JS1000 guitar
Roland MA-8 Desktop Monitors
KRK Rokit 5

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