Custom Module: more assignable items (but no duplicates), easier method and more buttons

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2015/05/29 07:53:49 (permalink)
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Custom Module: more assignable items (but no duplicates), easier method and more buttons

Why are many items not there in the assignable item list? (e.g. There's "Lock Clip Position Data," but both "Lock Clip Position" and "Lock Clip Data" aren't listed)
- I personally need "Lock Clip Position," "Maximize Waveform Height" and "Apply Trimming."
Why are there duplicates? (e.g. "Hide Tracks Not in Selection" appears 3 times)
Why does the search not work perfectly? (e.g. Placing the mouse pointer over "Command" and typing "L" allows you to jump to the next item starting with the letter L, but "Lock Clip Position Data" is ignored)
Also, I think the module should have more sizes (not just small, medium and large) for adding more items, because the feature is so handy.

Tak T.
Primary Laptop: Core i7-4710MQ CPU, 16GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Home Premium OS (Japanese) x64 SP1
Secondary Laptop: Core2 Duo CPU, 8GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Professional OS (Japanese) x64 SP1
Audio Interface: iD14 (ASIO)
Keyboard Controller/MIDI Interface: A-800PRO
DAW: SONAR Platinum x64 (latest update installed)

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