I hope the ex-owner of camel realises how ****ed off users are and how he ****ed them over... and he can royally go and **** himself.. I bought all the packs, and I'd not have *IF* I had known he'd have pulled the rug.. I think it's beyond sly that he gave no notice he was selling up.
same "buying" like apple did with e-magic back in the day, again the way they did it ends in "ish"
and this is part of the fact I have no trust in the majority of music hardware / software makers. yes it's business , but total lack of responsibility to end users.
I spend £600 on software, I expect 2+ years of updates for a vst, if I'm shelling out *THAT* much. if anything happens to my backups of the stuff, well I can't re download it again for example, so WILL take other measures to get it again, as I'd already paid for it.
post edited by Fog - 2015/06/18 15:12:15