Helpful ReplyPiano Roll Screensets

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2015/07/03 22:13:59 (permalink)

Piano Roll Screensets

it seems that, in one way or another, I often lose my list of midi tracks in the piano roll. It would be nice if there were some sort of sub-screensets in the piano roll that would allow me to quickly save and recall a bunch of midi tracks in there instead of having to Pick Tracks all over again.
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Re: Piano Roll Screensets 2015/07/04 01:12:23 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Spencer 2015/07/04 16:21:26
+1 (1)
How about using the "Lock Contents" option (which appears by right-clicking on the MultiDock tab) to create multiple PRVs (in a single Screenset) displaying different sets of tracks?

Tak T.
Primary Laptop: Core i7-4710MQ CPU, 16GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Home Premium OS (Japanese) x64 SP1
Secondary Laptop: Core2 Duo CPU, 8GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Professional OS (Japanese) x64 SP1
Audio Interface: iD14 (ASIO)
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Re: Piano Roll Screensets 2015/07/04 16:15:14 (permalink)
wow I had never noticed that function before. no more double clicking a midi track and losing my old piano roll! awesome!
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