CCC delete files option need improvement IMO
Hi I am running the newest CCC and really appreaciate the improvements.
I was going to do some house cleaning on my downloads folder and thought I would give the delete files option a spin. And Whoa! It did what it said and deleted the files not even retaining the most current download.
So now my feature request is that CCC be given an option to "clean" the download folder deleting all but the most current version of the installer. Please!
Not sure how this would work for the content but for the programs like Sonar and the various other sub-modules it would be nice to be able to only retain the modules needed to reinstall to the current version in event of reload or whatever.
i7-3770k OC at 4.5Ghz, asus p8z77-m, 16g g.skill aries 1600 c9 ram, Noctua d-14 cooler, RME HDSPe Raydat, Motu FastLane, Nvidea GTX 980 ti 6G, windows 7 and 8.1 pro x64. Sonar Platinum and x3e currently installed
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