ReValver 4 updated to build 150707
ReValver 4 Changelog150707
Released on July 10th, 2015
New bass cab: SW Giant III 410New bass cab: California Basic 410New bass cab: Peavey TVX 410New bass cab: Peavey Pro 410New ACT bass: Aerial FretlessNew ACT bass: Peavey MillenniumNew ACT bass: Peavey CirrusNew ACT bass: Peavey Liberator JT-84New bass pedal: Promise EQNew bass pedal: Slab of MeatNumeric entry via keyboard (for GUI controls that allow it) no longer apply a real time bounds check.Chain B can now be used even if no modules exist in Chain A.Fixed serious issue, where importing a preset or a bank would instead delete a whole lot of stuff.Quality improvements to ACT.Performance increases.