Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi

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July 17, 15 10:51 AM (permalink)

Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi

Hey guys,
Does anybody have a Tascam FW 1884 Connected thru MIDI using it as a control surface?
I am trying o get this to work (a dont have a FW port). I can MIDI messages coming in and out but the controller doesn't react.
I installed the FW 1884 plugin an assigned it to the available midi port. I noticed when using the transport buttons no MIDI messages get send.
Thanks in advance,

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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 17, 15 6:14 PM (permalink)
    I am not sure the FW-1884 control surface plugin will work without Firewire. I think I tried to do what you want years ago with a motherboard with a poor firewire innterface and could not get it to work with the plugin. I pretty much have to select FW-1884 Control port in the Control surface selector to get mine to work. You may be able to use ACT to assign controls via MIDI but you will never get the total functionality of the firewire interface. 
    If you had a deskptop PC, I would suggest a $25 Firewire card but with a Surface Pro, I dunno.
    The 1884 is picky about interface chipsets. It wants a TI 1394 chipset board and a legacy 1394 driver.
    Microsoft released a signed legacy 1394 driver for win 8.1 a while back but not sure what the Surface Pro has for I/O. If you could find a USB-2/3 to Firewire adapter with the TI 1394 chipset cheap I might start there. An express card to firewire may be better but not sure you have this option.
    I know folks on the forum have commented about using the 1884 as a control surface only (no audio) but AFAIK they still were using the Firewire interface.
    One thing you may want to try is to use the 1884 in Mackie HUI emulaion mode rather than the native mode. THis may allow you connect to sonar as a control surface only via MIDI. I know this works thru firewire but you will have to try it with MIDI only.
    Google "FW-1884 Mackie HUI" and you will get to the Tascam doc which describes this. It is all still on the Tascam site.
    post edited by microapp - July 17, 15 6:23 PM

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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 17, 15 6:34 PM (permalink)
    I don't see a way to put the 1884 itself in Mackie HUI mode. The control panel needs to be accessed to change the mode and AFAIK, you need firewire to do this.
    I do not see a way to change the mode from the 1884 hardware itself.
    So it looks like you might have to use Sonar ACT and set everything up yourself control by control unless some other Sonar user has already done this and is willing to share the ACT template with you. I do not think the motorized faders and master meters will work with ACT however. I think ACT only goes one way...into Sonar.
    If I see or think of a another solution I will let you know.
    On further reading, even the Mackie mode is firewire only it seems so your only solution is ACT.
    BTW, Here is a link to all the 1884 software and docs.
    post edited by microapp - July 17, 15 6:51 PM

    Sonar Platinum, Cubase Pro 8.5, Reaper 5, Studio One 2
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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 17, 15 6:39 PM (permalink)
    If you don't have a Fire-Wire, the FW-1884 cannot function with midi, as this is how Controller Surface data transmits.
    I use it; getting up in age now, but works remarkably well with Sonar Platinum 64 and Windows 8.
    I am a bit nervous about the soon to be released Windows 10. 
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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 17, 15 8:35 PM (permalink)
    Won't work without a fire-wire connection. As mentioned you need a TI-Chipset Fire-wire card for it to work smoothly, and gosh darn-it, it still works WELL with one!

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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 26, 15 6:18 PM (permalink)
    Thank you guys !!!!
    Thanks to you guys I didn't waste time in unworkable "solutions".
    I have got the baby set up thru MIDI using an (very) old laptop to control it. (you could call it cheating but it works :D (perfectly)).
    The old laptop has a firewireport installed the software and it works on the laptop. Now I downloaded the free software from musiclab.com (MIDI Device connection center) to "replicate" the MIDI data going and coming from the FW Control virtual MIDI fw 1884 control surface MIDI port to (in this case) the physical midi in and out ports 1 of the Tascam fw 1884 (in tascam FW 1884 control mode)  connected to the old laptop with firewire interface (no Texas Instruments chipset). 
    I ran the installation of the fw control plugin on my MS surface pro (new laptop) and setup the FW 1884 cantrol surface to the USB midi device connected (thru USB) to the MS surface Pro en the MIDI in/out connectors to the TASCAM MIDI in/out 1 ports.
    IT WORKS !!!!!!!  (little party)
    But now.... I hoped the PC mosules could be controlled using this device. How do you guys control thr PC channel modules with the TASCAM fw 1884?
    Thanks in advance.

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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 26, 15 6:30 PM (permalink)
    The last Tascam driver predates the Pro-channel by years.
    You will likely have to see what the MIDI CC's are for prochannel events then map whatever Tascam controls you want to use for them either via ACT or the MIDI mapper in the Tascam control panel.
    Kudos on getting this to work. I have seen similar techique used by MAC guys since there was never a 64-bit MAC driver release for 1884.
    Myself I find the Pro-channel or VST control from the 1884 too cumbersome and just use the mouse.
    I do ACT some synth controls (eg Zeta+2) from another MIDI controller KBD.

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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 26, 15 7:18 PM (permalink)
    The last Tascam driver predates the Pro-channel by years.

    That is exactly right. No Pro-channel control from the FW-1884.
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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 26, 15 7:26 PM (permalink)
    At least I have the workaround available to ACT the suckers.... (PC modules that is...)

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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 27, 15 8:17 AM (permalink)
    At least I have the workaround available to ACT the suckers.... (PC modules that is...)

    And it looks good also :) 
    (I have the FW1884 but I use firewire and I also use it as a audio interface)

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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 27, 15 10:28 AM (permalink)
    I used to use my FW-1884 as audio and MIDI interface. Ever since I got my RME UFX, the FW-1884 is mostly a controller (fader, transport, pan, mute & solo) and I have the FW1884 light piped into the RME for aux inputs if I ever need them.
    Of course FW1884 is connected via firewire.
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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 27, 15 11:49 AM (permalink)
    I don't think ANYTHING (HW cntrl surface) properly controls prochannel.  As I've posted before, the best you'll get with any available control surfaces is fader, pan, solo, mute support,   Nothing else is reliable

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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi July 27, 15 1:17 PM (permalink)
    I don't think ANYTHING (HW cntrl surface) properly controls prochannel.  As I've posted before, the best you'll get with any available control surfaces is fader, pan, solo, mute support,   Nothing else is reliable

    Since you have Alphatrack, I think you should be able to control ProChannel EQ reliable...
    Also ProChannel can be controlled with ACT, setup is a bit tricky but once it works it works fine.

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    Re: Tascam FW1884, contol surface over midi August 20, 15 5:19 PM (permalink)
    No you're right but its more trouble than its worth really.   The mouse works fine for one knob at a time operation which is all you get with Alphatrack or many other interfaces.   I mainly use the alphatrack for bus faders since it very easy to navigate too.   The FW1884 s a PITA for busses.    Also I use it while tracking for transport (I track in a different space than where I mix and on a laptop) 

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