Make jump to markers smarter

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2015/07/30 14:55:51 (permalink)
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Make jump to markers smarter

During playback, clicking on a marker in the Markers View immediately jumps to that marker.  This existing feature is very useful to me.  However, there are times when I would like the jump to occur either: 1)  at the end of the current measure or  2)  at the time I reach the next marker.  (I would prefer at the end of the current measure, but I would be happy with either.)  I was thinking a click could continue to result in existing behavior and an ALT-Click (or something) could queue the jump until the end of the current measure (or at the next marker).

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    Re: Make jump to markers smarter 2015/07/30 20:08:32 (permalink)
    +1 (1)
    I suggested something very similar to that, I called it "Play Markers." The object would be able to create a list of play markers so you could jump around within a song, or use it for live performance by clicking on play markers to alter the arrangement during a performance.

    The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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