Analog track transfer to midi track problem
There is a problem with the analog to midi conversion with this last update. In the prior versions, I was able to grab a analog track and place it on a midi track and Melodyne would convert the analog track to midi. With this version of Platinum, it will convert the track 1/2 the way and freeze the program. I have increased the asio buffers to 1024, made shorter clips, and removed the vst from the track. Your wealth of knowledge is much welcomed and appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Asus P6T - i7/920 - 18 GB ram - Nvidia ASUS GT640 Video - 3-1.5 TB HD - Focusrite 20/20
Sonar Platinum - Faderport 16 - Big Knob - Soundcraft - DA-30 - MR-2 - RT 707 - Studio equipment/Synth modules/keyboards/guitars
Little time to use them!