Re: Importing Samples
October 28, 15 1:17 PM
Martin - sorry you did not get an answer sooner, but the "creators" don't frequent the forum here often - occasionally, but not often. this is a user forum. Often there are users who are in this forum enough to help people with new questions, but apparently you just happened to ask a question when a lot of people weren't on the forum. None of us are paid to be here, so sometimes you don't get a quick response on a volunteer user forum. that's just the way it is.
as far as your question - you'll need to be more specific about what you mean by "samples." are these audio loops? are they in mp3 or wave formats? if so, then you can simply drag and drop them into the project onto a track. if you drag them into an area of MC where there isn't already a track, it will create a new track for you.
there's an alternate way to get them into the project, which is with the IMPORT function FILE>IMPORT>AUDIO
but dragging and dropping is the easiest way to do it.
if you are not talking about audio loops, but you are actually talking about SAMPLES which are only interpreted by a sampler program such as Kontakt and they would have to be in a format which is accepted by that particular sampler. kontakt's sample files are proprietary, but there are many 3rd party vendors who create sample library sets for kontakt.
so we need to know exactly what you mean by "samples" to help. what type of "samples" are you talking about? what is the filename extension? where did you get them?