Importing Samples

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October 26, 15 6:20 PM (permalink)

Importing Samples

Hi all let me first introduce myself my name is Martin and I'm new to music production  so sorry if any of my questions seem a bit stupid I apologize.
I recently bought Music Creator 6 from steam a few months back as it was on sale and got some add-on packs also with it and some default samples never really played around with it until now very happy so far and I'm loving learning about it I got some basic sounds with it and also the cakewalksoundcenter which I plan to use soon with a MIDI keyboard.
I'm looking to import some other samples I have into music creator, I got some sample packs like electro dubstep hardcore and some others and I'm wondering how do I import them to use them as tracks in songs I cannot see where I can import them am I missing something on how to import and can you import your own samples in order to add them to the track list or do they need to be put into the music creator samples folder or something?
Thanks for viewing and or answering my post

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    Re: Importing Samples October 28, 15 7:46 AM (permalink)
    I finally found out how to do it and import my samples there still not the way I want them but I found out how to import them none the less.
    28 views on this post and not one response its great to see this forum is so active, and that the creators are willing to answer questions about their products ( Incase you have not got it yet I'm kidding worst forum ever)
    Worst user forum I have ever seen a little help goes a long way but you won't get it here unless its for advanced products  I think I'm better off to learn on my own good day to you all happy music creating just don't ask for any help )
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    Re: Importing Samples October 28, 15 1:17 PM (permalink)
    Martin - sorry you did not get an answer sooner, but the "creators" don't frequent the forum here often - occasionally, but not often.  this is a user forum.  Often there are users who are in this forum enough to help people with new questions, but apparently you just happened to ask a question when a lot of people weren't on the forum.  None of us are paid to be here, so sometimes you don't get a quick response on a volunteer user forum.  that's just the way it is.
    as far as your question - you'll need to be more specific about what you mean by "samples." are these audio loops? are they in mp3 or wave formats?  if so, then you can simply drag and drop them into the project onto a track.  if you drag them into an area of MC where there isn't already a track, it will create a new track for you.
    there's an alternate way to get them into the project, which is with the IMPORT function FILE>IMPORT>AUDIO
    but dragging and dropping is the easiest way to do it.
    if you are not talking about audio loops, but you are actually talking about SAMPLES which are only interpreted by a sampler program such as Kontakt and they would have to be in a format which is accepted by that particular sampler.  kontakt's sample files are proprietary, but there are many 3rd party vendors who create sample library sets for kontakt.
    so we need to know exactly what you mean by "samples" to help.  what type of "samples" are you talking about?  what is the filename extension? where did you get them?
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    Re: Importing Samples October 29, 15 0:51 PM (permalink)
    As Beagle stated.....a lot of us are learning the ropes ourselves and trying (in my case anyhow) to... write/record/practice/work/play/learn to record and edit/family time/figure out why i can't burn a cd of a recording today of a mix like i just did last night.... etc....and get a moment to get on here and try to interact/keep up with goings on with this fun hobby/biz ya gotta love to make progress.   If you love it ...keep at it friend  :o)
     "Don't hate the players ....hate the games learnin' curve"   ;o)
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    post edited by BASSJOKER - October 29, 15 1:02 AM
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    Re: Importing Samples October 29, 15 11:10 AM (permalink)
    Hi got an email saying there was some replies so decided to respond back thanks for taking the time to respond back The loops I am using are loop masters packs they are wav files i have added them to the audio library and they seem to be working ok in the mix im making.
    I did not know this was a community forums if i did i would not have posted my original post I thought this was a creator forum by creators and users Bassjoker your right its a big learning curve there is not many tutorials for beginners it's all tutorials by the creators and even there too high spec for beginners but im having fun learning and will continue to do so 
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    Re: Importing Samples October 29, 15 11:27 PM (permalink)
    Right on Martin....keep at it and enjoy the ride...learning this **** is mostly alot of fun  compared to other serious crap in the big ol universe of love
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    Re: Importing Samples November 01, 15 3:30 PM (permalink)
    MartinD, Welcome to the forum.  One way to ease the pain of beginning a new hobby is by looking at tutorial videos specific to the software program you are trying to learn.
    Like you I have Music Creator 6 and have struggled to learn how to use the program.  A company called Groove3 offers a comprehensive video tutorial series on Music Creator 6.  Groove3 is the same company that made the videos that you received with Music Creator 6 so the tutorials pick up where the free ones stopped.  I purchased the video series, downloaded them then created a desktop short cut to the video player.  This way I can use the videos as a reference while using Music Creator 6.  The videos are short enough and described well enough that I can actually use them as a reference.  Also, I noticed the video series is presently discounted to $10.00 US.  

    post edited by jimfogle - November 01, 15 3:41 PM

    Jim F
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