Recording the output of ChordPulse into Sonar
I created a sequence in ChordPulse and recorded it into Sonar but I had a hard time doing it. Seems like there should be an easier way.
The way I got it to work was to use VoiceMeeter but it took me 30+ minutes to get Sonar to recognize the output of VoiceMeeter as an input. I am not sure what I did to get it to work and not sure how I would do it again lol
I also tried exporting a midi file form ChordPulse and then importing into Sonar. The import worked but I couldn't get all the instruments setup to sound like the original ChordPulse, which uses, by default, the GM midi on my computer. The midi notes did not match the sounds in the various synths I have. I tried to move things around but I wasn't getting anywhere.
Is there any easier way?
Win 10 (64 bit), i7-2600k 3.4GHz , 8 GB RAM, SATA III (500GB SSD - System, 2TB WD Black - Data), Sonar Platinum x64, m-audio Profire 610