Importing ARP patterns

Chris S
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November 16, 12 1:22 PM (permalink)

Importing ARP patterns

Hello, I have a bunch of Alesion ARP presets that I would like to play around with in Sonar.
How do I import them?

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    b rock
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns November 19, 12 3:33 PM (permalink)

    Alesion ARP presets

      People are still using those.  Cool.
    I can't recall exactly how I zipped up those files.  I believe they're all in a structured set of sub-folders under the main 'Alesion ARP Presets' folder.  Just go to Sonar 8.5's arpeggiator in any MIDI track, click to "Open Preset", and that will show you the path to drag the 'Alesion ARP Presets' folder to.
    In Win XP, it'd be similar to C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Cakewalk\SONAR 8.5 Producer\Arpeggiator.  Drag the folder alongside the other nested folders 'Rhythms' and 'Shapes' (as well as the ever-mysterious NONE.arp preset).  After that, they'll be available to the 'Load Preset' dialog.
    These were constructed for use in Project5, and yes - they do work in Sonar 8.5 (untested in X1 and X2 yet).
    post edited by b rock - November 19, 12 3:35 PM
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns November 20, 12 8:13 AM (permalink)
    FWIW, I just tried a few in X2, they work fine. The arp directory has been moved into a SONAR version specific directory under "Cakewalk Content"
    b rock
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns November 20, 12 8:36 AM (permalink)
    I just tried a few in X2, they work fine.

    Thank you for that.  It's good to know.  I have downloaded both X1 and X2, but I'm still in the process of migrating over to some new systems.
    It had slipped my mind that Bob Hammond has resurrected the Alesion documentation from its original location at, and placed it on his Technetos site:
    Alesion ARP Documentation
    The exact installation instructions there might no longer apply, and the illustrations were based on  Project5 usage.  But the explanations, construction techniques and suggested variations should still apply to any of the Sonar destinations.
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns November 20, 12 9:24 AM (permalink)
    Forgot about them when I moved to my new machine. Thanks for the link to the resurrected P5 page.
    Chris S
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns November 23, 12 1:34 AM (permalink)
    After I posted this I remembered it was 8.5 that introduced the arp.

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    b rock
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns November 26, 12 2:28 PM (permalink)
    I remembered it was 8.5 that introduced the arp.

    I'm not sure whether that means you were able to install the arps (having S8.5 or greater), or not.
    Just to flesh out the arpeggiator progression a little:
    -  Project5 version 2 added the per-track arpeggiator (was it 2005?).  In reality an inline MFX, it had the exact same structure & feature set that you'll find in Sonar.  No "print-to-track" capability without virtual MIDI cables and/or Rewire.
    -  After P5's untimely demise, these donor organs were transplanted into Sonar 8.5.
    -  Sonar has the ability to import .ptn files [File -> Import -> MIDI ... Files of Type: P5 Pattern].
    -  Sonar's arpeggiator can load .ptn files as a basis for new .arp presets [Presets ... Open Preset.  Files of Type: P5 Pattern].
    -  Sonar's arpeggiator can save configurations as .arp presets [Presets ... Save Preset].
    -  I know of no other method to save tracks, 'groove clips' or .mid files as .ptn files (except Project5 2.0 or greater).
    Bottom line: Sonar can save variations on its loaded .arp presets, but you'll need a source of P5 pattern files (or Project5 installed) to build new arpeggiator presets from scratch.
    Chris S
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns November 26, 12 6:14 PM (permalink)
    "I'm not sure whether that means you were able to install the arps (having S8.5 or greater), or not."

    No, Sonar doesn't recognize *.ARP files.
    There is an option to import P5 patterns but they are a different format and I do not have anything that converts *ARP to .mid or pattern brush files .ssp.
    Not a big deal for me, but it would be nice to be able to convert those to midi.
    post edited by Chris S - November 26, 12 6:15 PM

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    b rock
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns November 27, 12 1:22 PM (permalink)

    Sonar doesn't recognize *.ARP files.

    It will, but it has to be from the Presets ... Open Preset dialog; within the arpeggiator itself.  The File / Open / Import paths won't apply here.  Extract the Alesion ARP Presets directly to Sonar's Arpeggiator folder.
    That folder will be in a slightly different location, depending on your Sonar version and Windows O/S.  Look for clues in my post above, or in the Alesion ARP Documentation.

    it would be nice to be able to convert those to midi

    You may not intend this to be interpreted literally, but there is also a 500-file download containing the core P5 pattern files (*.ptn) that the 500 .arp presets were built from.  Now those files can be directly imported into Sonar.  [Note:  Coarse quantization settings will decimate those pattern files during editing.]
    There are some outdated links to the Alesion PTN Construction Kit (should you need it).  I'll have to hunt around a little for my original storage location.
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns February 18, 16 8:48 PM (permalink)
    thanks for this !
    Never have too many Arp patterns !

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    Paul P
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns February 18, 16 9:59 PM (permalink)
    The Technetos site no longer has the file "Alesion ARP" which contains .arp files.  It has only the Alesion PTN Construction Kit which contains the .ptn versions of the arp files.  Does this matter ?  The .ptn files are just a rythm of a single note when dragged into Sonar.  Is pitch encoded somehow, or is the resultant pattern played by the Inspector's arpeggiator a combination of the rythm in the .ptn and the 'Shape' button/selection in the Inspector ?  If the .arp files are useful, is there anywhere where I can acquire the zip file ?  The Wayback Machine has links to it, but the file itself is not archived, unlike some other Sonar-related zip files.

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    Re:Importing ARP patterns February 18, 16 10:11 PM (permalink)
    The arp presets are at The file is called "Alesion ARP"
    Paul P
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    Re:Importing ARP patterns February 20, 16 0:00 PM (permalink)
    The arp presets are at The file is called "Alesion ARP"

    Thanks Steve for your help.  Don't know why I failed to find the file yesterday as I just tried again and succeeded.  Too late to play with them tonight...

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