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JABB in Sonar
Is anyone using the Garritan JABB with Sonar? I've been redoing some old songs and want to use the maracas, but I can't seem to get any sound out of them. The cabasas work all right, but not the maracas.
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 16, 16 11:49 AM
Try moving the MOD wheel up. Dan
Mixing is all about control. My music: or Studiocat Advanced Studio DAW (Intel i5 3550 @ 3.7GHz, Z77 motherboard, 16GB Ram, lots of HDDs), Sonar Plat, Mackie 1604, PreSonus Audiobox 44VSL, ESI 4x4 Midi Interface, Ibanez Bass, Custom Fender Mexi-Strat, NI S88, Roland JV-2080 & MDB-1, Komplete, Omnisphere, Lots o' plugins.
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 16, 16 5:07 PM
You beat me to it, buddy.
Sonar Platinum, Sonar X3e, Sonar X2a , Sonar X1 Expanded and 8.5.3 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 10 on a Toshiba P75-A7200 Laptop with i7 @ 2.4 quad and 8 gigs of RAM and secondary WD 1 Tb drive, Windows 10 desktop, Asus i5 @ 3.2 quad, 12 gigs RAM, 1 Tb drive, 1 500 gig drive, MOTU 24io, 2 Roland Studio Captures, Saffire 6 USB for laptop, Soundtracs Topaz Project 8 mixer, Alesis Monitor 2s, Event BAS 20/20s, Roland Micro-Monitor BA-8s, and 45 years worth of collecting FX, Mics, Amps, Guitars, and Keyboards!
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 17, 16 1:30 AM
Galandar Is anyone using the Garritan JABB with Sonar? I've been redoing some old songs and want to use the maracas, but I can't seem to get any sound out of them. The cabasas work all right, but not the maracas.
Love JABB for the saxophones. dcumpian Try moving the MOD wheel up.
I stumble on that one all the time with - it's just the way they do it in Aria player. I guess it's so that you can do some expression magic in live situations without reaching four feet away for a channel volume fader. Someday I'll learn.
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 17, 16 12:33 AM
Thanks for the input, but I already tried that. The maracas are notated in groups of four 16th notes with an accent on the first note of each set. I can get a little out of them if I run the individual note velocity all the way up to 127, but even then they are really uneven with some of them dropping out. I've tried shortening the notes to avoid overlap, but that hasn't really helped. The cabasas seem to work fine with the same note pattern. Any other ideas? And yes, JABB saxes are great! By and large I really like the Garritan instruments, but I'm having trouble with this. Of course, could just be my sound. Don't have enough cash to afford a good sound card!
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 17, 16 1:29 PM
Sounds like ye olde MIDI buffering issue. Try increasing the MIDI Prepare Using Buffer in Preferences > MIDI > Playback and Recording to 500ms if it's at the newer default of 250. If it's already at 500, you can increase in increments of 50-100ms up to 1000 or so to see if that takes care of it.
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 17, 16 2:06 PM
Try making the notes even shorter. I have had trouble with some instruments where the note is just too long to let the other one sound. If you put them in as 16ths, try 32nds. And note velocity is very touchy in Garritan I have found on occasion.
Sonar Platinum, Sonar X3e, Sonar X2a , Sonar X1 Expanded and 8.5.3 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 10 on a Toshiba P75-A7200 Laptop with i7 @ 2.4 quad and 8 gigs of RAM and secondary WD 1 Tb drive, Windows 10 desktop, Asus i5 @ 3.2 quad, 12 gigs RAM, 1 Tb drive, 1 500 gig drive, MOTU 24io, 2 Roland Studio Captures, Saffire 6 USB for laptop, Soundtracs Topaz Project 8 mixer, Alesis Monitor 2s, Event BAS 20/20s, Roland Micro-Monitor BA-8s, and 45 years worth of collecting FX, Mics, Amps, Guitars, and Keyboards!
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 18, 16 12:55 AM
Thanks for the input, but no joy. I forgot all about the MIDI buffering, but when I looked, I already had it at 1000 and 1500 didn't seem to make any difference. And as far as the shorter notes, I tried shortening them up all the way down to 15 ticks, and that didn't help either. Guess I'll just give it up for now and use the TTS synth for the maracas. It seems to work pretty well, and I don't want to waste a lot of time trying to figure this out. Thanks again!
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 18, 16 2:58 PM
I just checked this out, and found that the JABB Maracas have just four articulations mapped to C4-Eb4 (i.e. note numbers 48-51). Possibly you have some note numbers other than that in your track? Also, unlike most sounds in JABB, Drum/Percussion sounds respond to velocity and are not affected by Modulation (CC1) or Expression (CC11) so that shouldn't be a problem. Only Volume (CC7) affects their level otherwise.
SONAR Platinum x64, 2x MOTU 2408/PCIe-424 (24-bit, 48kHz) Win10, I7-6700K @ 4.0GHz, 24GB DDR4, 2TB HDD, 32GB SSD Cache, GeForce GTX 750Ti, 2x 24" 16:10 IPS Monitors
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 18, 16 4:37 PM
Excellent point brundlefly! However, I checked it out. With the Aria player visible and focused on the maracas and the Sonar MIDI track playing, you can see which notes are playing on the Aria keyboard. I've tried all four of them, and none of them work any better than the others. I'm pretty well convinced that I need higher-end sound than what I've got, but thanks for the comment.
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 19, 16 5:25 PM
The maracas midi notes in your Sonar track may be at a different pitch than the maracas in JABB! You may have to change the pitches in your midi track to match the JABB!
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Re: JABB in Sonar
March 21, 16 8:32 AM
Also, watch out for duplicate midi notes stacked on top of each other. You can find them by dragging a note and if there is another underneath you have duplicates which could be confusing Aria player. Regards, Dan
Mixing is all about control. My music: or Studiocat Advanced Studio DAW (Intel i5 3550 @ 3.7GHz, Z77 motherboard, 16GB Ram, lots of HDDs), Sonar Plat, Mackie 1604, PreSonus Audiobox 44VSL, ESI 4x4 Midi Interface, Ibanez Bass, Custom Fender Mexi-Strat, NI S88, Roland JV-2080 & MDB-1, Komplete, Omnisphere, Lots o' plugins.