AnsweredMC7 EQ Reset?

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April 17, 16 5:12 PM (permalink)

MC7 EQ Reset?

     I was wondering, in MC7 when I make changes to the EQ in the Console View, is there a way to just "RESET" the EQ without having to go one by one on the settings and manually drag them down to Zero? Any shortcuts? I've looked but so far I can't find out how or if there is an option. 
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Re: MC7 EQ Reset? April 17, 16 5:23 PM (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby Serious_Noize! April 17, 16 6:09 PM
No reset function but there are some options
turn the EQ of in the Mix Strip
click the bands off in the Mix Strip
create a Mix Strip preset with the EQ zeroed out - this will have the side effect of changing other mix strip settings
CTRL+drag another EQ from another strip with the EQ enabled but default settings in the CV.
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Re: MC7 EQ Reset? April 17, 16 5:46 PM (permalink)
No reset function but there are some options
turn the EQ of in the Mix Strip
click the bands off in the Mix Strip
create a Mix Strip preset with the EQ zeroed out - this will have the side effect of changing other mix strip settings
CTRL+drag another EQ from another strip with the EQ enabled but default settings in the CV.

Thank You scook. I didn't think about the preset option zeroed, or dragging the EQ. A Simple preset setting will work for me. Thanks again!
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Re: MC7 EQ Reset? April 18, 16 8:06 AM (permalink)
All the EQs I have have a Default (flat) preset.

I am selling my MIM Fender Stratocaster HSS, red and black. PM for more details.

Music Creator 2003, MC Pro 24, SONAR Home Studio 6 XL, SONAR  X3e, CbB, Focusrite Saffire, not enough space.
Everything is better with pie.!/gregfields 
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Re: MC7 EQ Reset? April 18, 16 9:09 AM (permalink)
Well, maybe not "all" of the EQs I have.

I am selling my MIM Fender Stratocaster HSS, red and black. PM for more details.

Music Creator 2003, MC Pro 24, SONAR Home Studio 6 XL, SONAR  X3e, CbB, Focusrite Saffire, not enough space.
Everything is better with pie.!/gregfields 
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Re: MC7 EQ Reset? April 29, 16 5:31 PM (permalink)
All the EQs I have have a Default (flat) preset.

I set up a default setting, I have since upgraded to Sonar Artist, but I must say, it would be nice to have a simple "reset" button instead of having to go through steps to do so by setting up a default selection. 
Thanks Greg, I appreciate the information. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you and simple, but looking for an easy answer isn't always easy ya know. Thanks again. 
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