Can't get A 800 keyboard to send notes to SONAR LE after unplugging USB

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June 12, 16 8:26 PM (permalink)

Can't get A 800 keyboard to send notes to SONAR LE after unplugging USB

Hi all
I accidentally unplugged my USB cable connecting my A800 to my PC and now cannot get Sonar to recognise keyboard - it appears to accept knob and slider changes though!
This has happened before and I have always managed to get it to work again but spent over an hour tonight to no avail. I have set the input to APRO 2 and output to APRO in the midi settings and controller settings. I have also tried both Control Map 0 and 19. I have even tried reinstalling the APRO software! The keyboard talks to Ableton Live Lite absolutely fine just not Sonar!
I'm running Win 7
Be grateful for any advice! I reinstalled ASIO4ALL a few days ago as I had lost output but I wouldn't have thought that would be the problem?
Need to go to bed now but hoping some of you guys will come up with some ideas - cheers!
Joe G

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    Re: Can't get A 800 keyboard to send notes to SONAR LE after unplugging USB June 18, 16 9:58 AM (permalink)
    Bumping this one up again in case anyone who can help missed it - I have tried installing Sonar LE to a different folder but it still does not recognise my A800 keyboard - knobs & sliders and transport all work ok and keys work in Ableton Lite - I am flumoxed!
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    Re: Can't get A 800 keyboard to send notes to SONAR LE after unplugging USB June 18, 16 4:32 PM (permalink)
    So, what exactly does not work in Sonar ? I mean,
    a) nothing at all
    b) keys
    c) controls
    General guess: Input/Output are disables or routed incorrectly, just in MIDI preferences, in your tracks and/or in the Control Surface preferences, depending what does not work.
    When MIDI "disappears", Sonar removes any references to it and save these "new" settings.
    There was reports that configuration files can be corrupted (has never happened with me), in that case you should find "TTSSEQ.ini" in YOUR user folder (it is in hidden AppData folder, use file search in windows explorer to get there) and delete it. The file is different for every Sonar version, delete correct one. And since it has nothing to do with A800 and it is not in the Sonar installation folder, reinstalling both does not help.
    To deal with audio interface related problems, delete AUD.ini in the same folder. But you current problem is not audio related.

    Sonar 8LE -> Platinum infinity, REAPER, Windows 10 pro
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    RME Babyface Pro (M-Audio Audiophile Firewire/410, VS-20), Kawai CN43, TD-11, Roland A500S, Akai MPK Mini, Keystation Pro, etc. - Control Surface Integration Platform for SONAR, ReaCWP, AOSC and other accessibility tools
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    Re: Can't get A 800 keyboard to send notes to SONAR LE after unplugging USB June 19, 16 11:18 AM (permalink)
    Thanks - it is just the keyboard that doesn't work - the pots, sliders and transport all work ok
    I have gone back into midi and controller settings and set them as noted in my original post.
    Can I delete that configuration file without replacing it with anything? Why does it not get replaced when you reinstall?
    I forgot to mention in original post that it is Sonar LE
    Thanks again
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    Re: Can't get A 800 keyboard to send notes to SONAR LE after unplugging USB June 19, 16 5:40 PM (permalink)
    You can delete the configuration file, it will be re-created (MIDI settings will be lost, but that is easy to fix).
    Have you enabled both inputs from A-PRO? If not, try to enable all inputs you see and set MIDI track input to Omni. If still no luck, remove "APro" from Control Surfaces and try again.

    Sonar 8LE -> Platinum infinity, REAPER, Windows 10 pro
    GA-EP35-DS3L, E7500, 4GB, GTX 1050 Ti, 2x500GB
    RME Babyface Pro (M-Audio Audiophile Firewire/410, VS-20), Kawai CN43, TD-11, Roland A500S, Akai MPK Mini, Keystation Pro, etc. - Control Surface Integration Platform for SONAR, ReaCWP, AOSC and other accessibility tools
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    Re: Can't get A 800 keyboard to send notes to SONAR LE after unplugging USB June 20, 16 10:46 AM (permalink)
    ok thanks will give those ideas a try!
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    Re: Can't get A 800 keyboard to send notes to SONAR LE after unplugging USB June 20, 16 10:58 AM (permalink)
    Thanks - removed the .ini file but that didn't help but then ticked all the inputs as you suggested and that seems to have worked - thought I had already tried that but perhaps not - or perhaps removing the .ini file helped after all - anyway all seems to be well now so thanks very much! Puzzled as to why it now needs all the inputs to be selected though rather than just Apro 2 but at least it works!
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