Geist 2 Public Beta

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June 26, 16 5:24 PM (permalink)

Geist 2 Public Beta

Can't post link, but get it from fxpansion downloads
[] Previewing sounds in the browser - preview audio can get out of sync with selection
[] Paste in Song mode not pasting in correct position
[] Sonar Platinum crashing when using Spitter2
[] Sampler / Host mode not working correctly in Standalone
[] Pattern playback marker does not draw properly when step size is not 1/16th
[] Scaling to 110% then resizing causes huge jump in window size, Live sometimes crashes when closing
[] Unusual scrolling behaviour in Mapping window
[] Quick-search not working
[] Unable to set Undo stage amount to anything less than 20
[] Missing samples dialogue box should clear for full presets/when all presets have been found
[] Looper causing clicking even with X-fade applied
[] Scaling problems in Cubase - Window size not increasing
[] User crash on Standalone exit
[] V>A setting affects MIDI recording, it shouldn't
[] Unable to un-mute engine channel when mute button is mapped to MIDI controller
[] Playhead causing graphical glitch of steps 1+2 of the pattern editor
[] Playhead not appearing in second half of pattern
[] Amp/Free envelopes changing values when mass-adjusted using multiple-pad highlight
[] chain effect power should also switch of individual effect power buttons
[] Timing issues when mapping controller to metronome volume
[] Repeat function has poor timing
[] User-Reported: Opening GUI crashes Live
[] Transmod Mini Sequencer falling out of time when host project recalled
[] Transient sensitivity not functioning on pre-sliced loops
[] Unable to find missing samples in Cubase
[] Retro recorder not recording input data
[] Crash when dragging sample to pad
[] Crash during mapping
[] Drive list in browser not updating when refreshed; drive still appears even when ejected
[] 'Add effect...' text in Layer Mixer degrades when selecting layer
[] Single mode graph lane does not get recalled when stretching or changing the GUI splits
[] No indication of layer selection when using Force Layer as a Drag edit

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