Helpful ReplyWhy is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db?

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July 08, 16 1:15 AM (permalink)

Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db?

I occasionally edit my tracks in Melodyne with Region FX and want to bounce it down to a normal audio clip again.  However, every time I do it it raises the track 3db.  I can even take a track in a brand new session, so its completely bare no fx, buses, anything, and bounce mono track to mono track and it still raises it 3db. Am I missing something here? I attacked two screenshots showing what Im talking about - you can see the peak levels on the bounced track are 3db higher.
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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 08, 16 1:33 AM (permalink)
Check the Pan Law settings, in case that's it.
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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 08, 16 1:58 AM (permalink)
Well, its set to
(Default) 0dB center, sin/cos taper, constant power.
Plus these are mono to mono, Centered tracks so I wouldnt think that would apply?

Thanks for the suggestion though
Paul G
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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 08, 16 6:35 AM (permalink)
I've had this problem with Melodyne for years and have never gotten a good explanation as to why it happens.  I just lower the output volume in Melodyne  by -3db before I bounce back to audio.

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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 08, 16 10:06 AM (permalink)
I typically bounce to clips, not bounce to tracks.
I don't lose or gain any volume that way

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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 08, 16 10:31 AM (permalink)
Its not specific to MElodyne, it's just why Im doing it that way.  In my example I did it on a blank session with nothing happening and it still bumped it up.  
I havent been trying to bounce to clip for this, maybe Ill give that a go, thanks.
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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 08, 16 10:39 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby BobF July 08, 16 7:20 PM
I can't see enough detail in your screenshot to know how you're bouncing, but if you bounce a mono track through a stereo bus with 0dB center pan law, you'll get a 3dB gain. You either need to bounce with Source = Tracks or change your pan law to -3dB.
I believe there's still an outstanding issue with freezing/bouncing mono synth outputs that also does this, no matter what settings are used, but I don't think it would affect bouncing a Region FX.

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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 09, 16 1:32 AM (permalink)
I get the same weird behaviour. However, Brundlefly has nailed it - if the bounce Source Category is "Entire Mix", then the mono track is actually going through the stereo output bus before going to the new track. The mono track is therefore copied to both the left and right channel of the output bus before being summed to the new mono track. Double the signal gives a 3dB overall boost. This is NOT intuitive, but it does make sense. As Brundlefly says, setting Source=Tracks is the cure.
Cheers, Peter.

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Jeff Evans
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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 09, 16 1:47 AM (permalink)
 Double the signal gives a 3dB overall boost. Cheers, Peter.

Incorrect. Doubling the signal voltage = +6dB in level change.  What you may be getting confused with is a 3dB increase in power sounds twice as loud.

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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 09, 16 2:50 AM (permalink)
I stand corrected. Thanks. I'm still trying to understand what is happening here. During the bounce process, the output bus has a copy of the mono track in each stereo channel, which is then converted to a mono track to finish the bounce. If the two stereo channels were simply summed, we would have double the amplitude and therefore a 6dB increase. Is this where the pan law comes into play?
Cheers, Peter.

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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 09, 16 6:57 AM (permalink)
I can see Jeff sitting at home watching TV.
his dB senses start tingling.. his K system alarm goes off.
runs to the decibel mobile, drives over here...
"Incorrect" !!!   
I hope you know I say this with a great amount of respect.
you were the reason I start learning about the K system.

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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 14, 16 8:53 PM (permalink)
Unfortunately thats not my source category is Tracks and Im doing mono channel format.  Bounce to clip does work, however, if I try and export all my tracks as wav stems the 3db boost still happens, which is a big problem if the track was slamming already.  Very confusing/frustrating....
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Re: Why is Bounce to Track raising the volume 3db? July 14, 16 11:32 PM (permalink)
In this particular instance I believe you should be bouncing to CLIPS, not TRACKS.
Bounce to Clips affects only the selected clip you are working on finalizing any editing applied to it.
Bounce to Tracks opens a dialog similar to the EXPORT dialog for exporting the entire mix and has a whole set of parameters that can change the final output of the clip.
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