Helpful ReplySonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help

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July 22, 16 10:19 AM (permalink)

Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help

Hi everyone,
I recently upgraded to Sonar Platinum and I’m trying to Cleanup my vst’s etc to maximise disc space
I’ve noticed that Beatscape is 4.2gbs and as far as I can see is only useable in X1
Before I uninstall Beatscape does anyone see any reason to keep it now I'm using Sonar Platinum?
Also, and sorry if this is very basic, I think I’ve got 32 and 64 bit versions of several Vst’s  such as Dimension Pro so I'd like to just keep the 64 bit versions.
Is the file “Program Files (x86)” the location of the 64 bit versions of Vst’s I’ve installed? Is there a clear way to see if a Vst file is a 32 or 64 bit version so I can uninstall any 32 bit Vst’s unless that is the only version there is e.g. R-Mix.
Hope the above makes sense and would appreciate any advice
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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 22, 16 10:43 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby joel77 July 23, 16 10:25 AM
Beatscape is probably just functional today as it was in X1. I say probably because I stopped using the plug-in some time ago and did not install it on my current machine. While Cakewalk dropped the Beatscape synth in X2, the Beatscape content became the Loops and One Shots installer in X2 and X3. There is no requirement to use the content inside Beatscape. I do not believe the content is bundled with SONAR anymore. Whether the plug-in or content is useful depends on the individual.
AFAIK, all 64bit plug-ins default to "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins." The location of some 32bit depends on whether 32bit SONAR was installed before or after 64bit SONAR. When 64bit SONAR is installed first, the VST plug-ins which are 32bit only are installed with the 64bit plugins in "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins" and no 32bit plug-ins are installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Vstplugins."  If 32bit SONAR is installed first, all 32bit plug-ins default to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Vstplugins."
I do not believe it is possible in all cases to tell which plug-ins are 32 or 64bit at the OS level by simply looking at the dlls. In 64bit SONAR, 32bit plug-ins are in a different color in the browser and have (32-bit) appended to their name. The physical location of a plug-in is displayed by clicking the Details button in the plug-in properties or at the bottom of the plug-in manager when a plug-in is selected in the manager.
R-Mix shipped as 32 and 64bit.
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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 22, 16 11:07 AM (permalink)
Hi Scook,
Wow – thanks so much – your reply really directed me to problem solutions I would never ever have thought of - looks like I’ve got quite a bit of checking to do
Excellent can't thank you enough
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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 22, 16 11:22 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Thedoccal July 22, 16 2:04 PM
Try my VST Inventory tool, which dumps your VST inventory into an Excel spreadsheet or text file. That makes it easy to see which plugins you have in both 32- and 64-bit versions and where they're located.

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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 22, 16 11:51 AM (permalink)
I had planned on suggesting that but forgot by the time I finished my post.
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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 22, 16 12:45 AM (permalink)
Hi Bitflipper
I just downloaded and ran your VST Inventory tool and I'm amazed - it's just amazing
I can't thank you enough
Absolutely brilliantly cool
Thanks again
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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 23, 16 11:50 PM (permalink)
Thank you ! bitflipper very good stuff

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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 0:15 PM (permalink)
Try my VST Inventory tool, which dumps your VST inventory into an Excel spreadsheet or text file. That makes it easy to see which plugins you have in both 32- and 64-bit versions and where they're located.

Wow!  Thanks so much for posting (and creating) the VST Inventory Tool.   Holy cow, I never realized I had so many plugins. There are some I don't even remember installing or even know what they are.  For example, I have one called "Bark of Dog", now I'm curious to go see what it does. LOL.  Anyway thanks again, it's a great utility!

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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 10:18 AM (permalink)
Try my VST Inventory tool, which dumps your VST inventory into an Excel spreadsheet or text file. That makes it easy to see which plugins you have in both 32- and 64-bit versions and where they're located.

I just checked this out. What a great utility! Major kudos.

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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 11:30 AM (permalink)
I actually downloaded the VST Inventory tool some time back, but never ran it.  Will do so today, for sure.
A long while ago, when I was attempting to deal with 32-bit plugins, I found a bit of freeware out there called the 'PE Deconstructor', and it reads programs and dll's, and it lets you know if it is written for 32-bit or 64-bit execution, along with some other info.  I have used that when unsure of plugins I was contemplating using being 32-bit or 64-bit, and many times when looking at downloading a plugin it won't tell you if it is 32-bit or 64-bit.
Anyways, glad the VST Inventory tool has given you info on your collection of plugins.  I guess it is time for me to do the same.
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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 11:56 AM (permalink)
This has been on my list for a while ... thanks for asking the question, and thanks flipper for the tool.

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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 12:03 AM (permalink)
@bitflipper -
Is there a way to force a spreadsheet for those of that use Libre/OpenOffice?  Excel format is still fine ...

Bob  --
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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 12:35 AM (permalink)
Unfortunately, I lost the source code when my computer was stolen in May (yes, it was backed up - they stole my backup drive, too). Consequently, there won't be any enhancements made to it until some future rainy day when I get around to re-writing it again from scratch.
Ironically, I had to download the tool from Elffin's site myself, as I didn't even have a copy of the executable anymore after the burglary. Worse, I also don't have any copies of the .XLS from my old computer, either, so I'm having to make a list of VSTs from memory. 

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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 1:18 PM (permalink)
That sucks.  I can prolly get the text version imported to a spreadsheet.  I thought there might be an arg or something to force a spreadsheet.
Thanks - it's still the best thing going even without the ss option

Bob  --
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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 3:02 PM (permalink)
I was not going to release the VST Inventory tool I wrote after Dave published his.  It was written because I wanted something graphical and do not have MS Office. Since Dave lost his source code I put mine up on Google drive. There are a few other things there as well. I just finished writing a simple menu for the stuff
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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 6:32 PM (permalink)
Ahh - so this explains why VSTinventory seems to be the biggest download of the day!
Will add Scook's utilities/goodies soon to the thread in the software forum.
Thanks Scook for your hard work.

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Re: Sonar Platinum Cleaning Up Vst's Help July 24, 16 10:45 PM (permalink)
Thanks, Bitflipper.  Very cool tool....

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