Voted. I would love this. I've hoped as each update is released that it, or something like it, would be included.
I rely on the colour I choose for my tracks very much; in my case, green for guitars, yellow for vocals, and so on.
The tiny coloured strip we can currently place at the bottom of each track in console view just does not occupy enough space for me to easily spot with a sweeping glance at all the tracks. But if the fader (or fader cap) could be programmed to automatically follow that same chosen colour, that would do the trick. (Of course, for those who don't want the fader cap to follow the track colour, it should be possible to toggle this feature on or off.)
Being to spot those colours without effort would make recording that little bit more pleasant, that little bit easier. Just think of how many times per session we normally have to spot a track. Now, what if it were a little easier to do every time?
That's what we're all after, I think - great features that are as easy to use as possible.
P.S. I realize that we can have coloured track strips in Mercury but I must confess that I find the relentless pastelness of the colour scheme not to my taste. No matter how saturated and deep a colour you select, only the very edges retain any "edge" (pardon the bad pun). The whole main section looks like it's been dredged in baby powder. Lovely, but too "my grandma all decked out for a wedding". (No disrespect to anyone's grandma intended - I love grandmas all decked out at actual weddings, just not on my mixing board) :)
post edited by skinnybones lampshade - August 14, 16 9:42 PM