Helpful Replydeckadance 2 y sus codigos de ativacion

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April 28, 16 7:59 AM (permalink)

deckadance 2 y sus codigos de ativacion

Hola amigos tengo un problema,he comprado una licencia ha cleverbridge cakewalk de deckadance2, use la tarjeta y se lo han cobrado,me han mandado un mensaje con la factura y con la página donde descargar la demo para activarlo,también sale el número de pedido, pero me falta el archivo de activación no lo veo por ningún sitio,no se si tienen un tiempo para mandalo o ya tenían que haberlo mandado,me pongo en contacto con ellos y sale alguien grabado en inglés y se cuelga,¿alguien a comprado de esta forma y sabe como funciona? Gracias un abrazo.
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Re: deckadance 2 y sus codigos de ativacion April 28, 16 12:36 AM (permalink)
In English:
Hi, friends. I have a problem. I bought a Deckadance2 license from Cleverbridge Cakewalk. I used a credit card, and they charged me and sent me an email with receipt and the address to download the demo to activate it. There's also an order number, but I still need the activation file, which I don't see and can't find anywhere. I don't know if they have a delay in sending it or whether they've already sent it to me. If I contact them, I get a recording in English and it hangs up.
Has anybody purchased from them in this way? If so, can you let me know how it works? Thanks.
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Re: deckadance 2 y sus codigos de ativacion April 28, 16 1:00 PM (permalink)
I am not familiar with the product or how it is delivered and authenticated. To contact Cakewalk directly about this go to . At the bottom of the page is a link to "Contact Email Support"
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Re: deckadance 2 y sus codigos de ativacion April 28, 16 1:19 PM (permalink)
Deckadance 2 is a Stanton product. The only thing it has to do with Cakewalk is that both are Gibson brands.

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Re: deckadance 2 y sus codigos de ativacion April 28, 16 3:06 PM (permalink)
Yes but it is sold as a download from CW store and it is not clear how the CW store handles order fulfillment. It could be delivered and authenticated using the Command Center. It could be a download from a CW account or it could be a download from Stanton.
lee lecky
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Re: deckadance 2 y sus codigos de ativacion September 22, 16 2:24 PM (permalink)
Why can't I use my own music CD collection from my hdd using Decadence2.5v which I paid for? Yet gasp I can use Virtual DJ no problems. I have a little DJ desk for fun behringer studio 4A, well it's not funny anymore! Could anyone help.
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Re: deckadance 2 y sus codigos de ativacion September 22, 16 2:41 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby lee lecky September 22, 16 3:04 PM
You might want to post the question on the Stanton forum
Cakewalk does not make the product, Stanton does. The main Stanton page is There are support pages linked to their main page.
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