VST synth not responding after reopening project / Differents computers

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January 20, 18 1:45 PM (permalink)

VST synth not responding after reopening project / Differents computers

Hello everyone !
I got this one bugging me.
I use Sonar X3 Studio edition, up to date, Windows 10.
Here's the thing : I upgraded most of my computer (motherboard, CPU, ram) and reinstalled all of Sonar and my VST plug-ins (mostly toontrack/NI stuff). The audio interface didn't change (Presonus Audiobox 44VSL USB). Needless to say, clean Win10 install. Every single VST plug-in is detected by Sonar so everything seems to be in order here.
Now I wanted to start working again on some songs I layed down before upgrading the computer. The catch is some (but not all) soft VST synths just seem not to be responding. No audio output, but the VST interfaces themselves are responding. They just don't send any sound to the tracks.
So far the culprits are Pianoteq 5 Stage and z3ta+ but I haven't tried them all yet ...
My standard recording template also includes Ezdrummer and guitar rig 5 which are working fine on the spot.
I found a pain in the ass workaround. I have to delete the synth, readd it and only then I can get it to work. Needless to say, I wouldn't to do that for all my tracks and reassigning the corrects input/outputs.
I tried a little something to troubleshoot this, replacing (not deleting and adding, replacing the synth) pianoteq with an ezdrummer synth. Ezdrummer says the audio engine is not active (which is wrong since I can get sound from any other tracks that doesn't used pianoteq/z3ta, and funny enough, my other ezdrummer VST). Also if i look into the pianoteq options, the buffer size is reported as being 0, which once again cannot be.
This occurs whetever I'm trying to playback midi files or try to use the vst interfaces to make some notes. I checked, double, triple, quadruple checked all tracks routing, options in Sonar, in the VST but I still can't found any solution for this ... Except the pain in the ass one.
Does anybody has had this ? Found a fix ? Switching to another DAW ? Called ponies for help ?
Thank you !

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    Re: VST synth not responding after reopening project / Differents computers January 20, 18 2:44 PM (permalink)
    Have you looked at the routing ?
    Check the midi outputs, patch, exc for each synth.

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    Re: VST synth not responding after reopening project / Differents computers January 20, 18 3:08 PM (permalink)
    Everything seems to be fine on that area hence my puzzling :/
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    Re: VST synth not responding after reopening project / Differents computers January 20, 18 3:24 PM (permalink)
    Yep, it`s annoying. Happens all the time with me in Platinum using Omnipshere. I have to insert a  new instance of the synth then copy the midi data over, save the prochannel settings as presets then load it up on the new instance, then the delete the other one. Seems random, but happens alot more to me when using aux tracks as busses!  I used to think the Aux tracks were the issue, but since you are using X3 that cant be the case. I`m staring to slowly get my head around Studio One Pro.

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    Re: VST synth not responding after reopening project / Differents computers January 20, 18 4:53 PM (permalink)
    Have you looked at the routing ?
    Check the midi outputs, patch, exc for each synth.

    Please do as chuckebaby suggested. When a Sonar project file .cwp is opened in a new environment, these settings may need to be re-assigned.

    As a test open a brand new project. Insert Z3ta+. It should play....
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