Rapture session

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February 02, 17 9:09 PM (permalink)

Rapture session

I have sonar artist and when I try to download and install rapture session it comes up with an error message saying Folder names cannot include any of the following characters /:*?"< > | when it gets to the part asking where should rapture pro content be installed. It already has pathways listed, one of which I can't change that starts wit C:\ Help please?

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    Re: Rapture session February 02, 17 10:31 PM (permalink)
    Are you attempting to install using Cakewalk's Command Center? If so, you can change your download and content paths by clicking the gear icon, then the "Paths" tab in Command Center.
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    Re: Rapture session February 05, 17 5:31 AM (permalink)
    the error message that you got saying -->  Folder names cannot include any of the following characters /:*?"< >
      is NOT because of Rapture Session or any other program you're trying to install, but it has to do with any FOLDER's name that you try to create and use ONLY ONE of those characters, the /   or the :   or the *   or the ?   or the "   or the <   or the >   included in the name you want the folder to be called, anywhere on your computer
    as far as the 2nd part, the listed paths are just suggestions that it would like you to use, & when you click 'Next' those paths are created, BUT you can change it & put it wherever you want
    However, if it's grey-ed out & you CAN'T change it, my guess is because it was installed to that place before
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    Re: Rapture session February 08, 17 1:18 PM (permalink)
    Is anyone having trouble with persistent hung notes when using the Rapture Session synth?
    On stopping the transport, the notes continue to sound. Only way to stop it is to mute track or stop the audio engine. As soon as audio engine is re-started, the stuck notes resume until the same note is played again.
    The same happens with if you try and select one of the Dimension Pro sounds from within Rapture Session. However, triggering Dimension Pro as a separate synth directly works fine.
    I thought it might relate to Midi Event Chase (just upgraded to 2017.1), but the same behaviour occurs with Midi Event Chase on or off.
    Great shame, because I was really looking forward to using Rapture Session for its own sounds and easy access to all the Dim Pro ones.
    (Midi buffer is set to 600msec, so don't think it's that. Maybe poor response to pedal events?)

    Roger Jeynes
    Charborough Media 

    Sonar Platinum - A&H Qu24 - MOTU 828MkII - i5-3570K - Windows 10
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    Re: Rapture session February 08, 17 1:35 PM (permalink)
    Just tried Freezing the synth track, and that does produce the correct sounds.
    When unfrozen it seems to be waiting for the next pedal event before it will stop. But I have 'zero controllers when play stops' ticked.
    I've also tried having Midi chase enabled with and without the 'include note events' option.

    Roger Jeynes
    Charborough Media 

    Sonar Platinum - A&H Qu24 - MOTU 828MkII - i5-3570K - Windows 10
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