The new drum replacer rocks!

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March 02, 17 5:35 AM (permalink)

The new drum replacer rocks!

This thing is awesome Bakers! Kicks the crap out of drumagog for ease of use and set up. Cpu usage too, best I can tell so far. I hadn't tried to use it before tonight... no clue why? Now I just need to figure out how to either get other samples in there, or how to trigger SD or addictive drums with it. Which I am sure is easy enough. But I can say that the included metalhead snare samples just SAVED MY HAAS on a mix tonight that had too much hat bleed in the snare too mic and drumagog wouldn't trigger right. It was a deep sounding snare with too much hi hat shrill in there so both the hats and kick were causing mistriggers. That frequency know is bloody brilliant. About 490 hz on that thing was just what the doctor ordered. High enough to ignore the kick bleed, low enough to ignore the hats and I got a nice clean trigger on almost every transient. Even the faster rolls
Blended that in with the live snare (after rolling out some of the high end to get rid of the hat bleed) and I got the crack and power I needed from that sample file to save the day. Thanks cake!

ADK Built DAW, W7, Sonar Platinum, Studio One Pro,Yamaha HS8's & HS8S  Presonus Studio/Live 24.4.2, A few decent mic pre's,  lots of mics, 57's,58 betas, Sm7b, LD Condensors, Small condensors, Senn 421's,  DI's,  Sans Amp, A few guitar amps etc. Guitars : Gib. LP, Epi. Lp, Dillion Tele, Ibanez beater, Ibanez Ergodyne 4 String bass, Mapex Mars series 6 pc. studio kit, cymbals and other sh*t.
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    Re: The new drum replacer rocks! March 02, 17 10:38 AM (permalink)
    You can either drag a sample into it (even one of the snares from the track, if you have a good one) or simply drag the clip to a midi track to drive another synth (e.g. Addictive Drums). The drum replacer dialog lets you preselect common GM midi notes but of course you can change it in the piano roll or in the external synth.
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    Re: The new drum replacer rocks! March 02, 17 12:01 AM (permalink)
    Indeed it does! Big fan of the convert to midi method that Sander mentioned. 

    Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
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    Re: The new drum replacer rocks! March 03, 17 3:55 AM (permalink)
    Here is how I do it.  Say you are working on the kick drum.  You highlight your kick drum track, create region FX and add drum replacer.  Adjust the parameters within drum replacer so that it captures the kick hits appropriately.
    Now...  Click to highlight the kick drum track again.  Click region FX again, and this time, select "copy midi events" or something to that effect(it might not be worded exactly like that but very similar and is self explanatory).
    Now simply create a midi track, and paste into the midi track(I just hit CTRL+V and it plops in the midi, but you could do the edit paste or right click and paste too).  Voila...  you now have midi that matches up to all of your kick hits and you can route it to whatever sampler you want.
    Just load an instance of addictive drums(or whatever sampler you choose) into a track, and set the output of the midi track to addictive drums and it will trigger any kick available in there.
    the worst thing that could happen here is that the midi note it created doesnt align with the right key in the piano roll to trigger the kick in whatever sampler.  in that can just highlight all the midi notes and drag them all to the right key(the one that triggers the kick if thats what youre working with).
    You can do this as many times as you want for as many drums as you want and point them all to addictive drums or you could split em up and output them to a bunch of different drum samplers
    The Grim
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    Re: The new drum replacer rocks! March 03, 17 5:11 AM (permalink)
    not a fan myself, it's ok
    apparently i am not alone
    [cakewalk] - "If you're serious about looking for a better drum replacement program I think Drumagog is the go to"

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    Re: The new drum replacer rocks! March 03, 17 5:21 AM (permalink)
    I used it the first time the other day just to trigger hand claps over the snare. I'm used to Slate Trigger 02 which is a monster, Drum Replacer was far quicker for the purpose. I think it's a great tool for simple stuff.

    Ludwig Bouwer, One Big Room Studios.
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    Re: The new drum replacer rocks! March 03, 17 6:18 AM (permalink)
    I do my level best to use the live drum tracks as much as humanly possible. I think for me, it is a pride thing. Using drumagog or drum replacer or trigger in my opinion (for me anyhow) is a phone-a-friend lifeline that can save yer ass when something went awry in tracking or you just need a kick thats way deeper than the one you recorded.
    I drumagog can be difficult at times and I have had many cases where the gog file is weird and a few samples trigger late and sounds like a flaam when blended with the lives snare and overheads... so I have had to export the triggered snare sound (essentially render it) and re-import it then split the clip to fix the timing of any weird off time triggers. Drum replacer did wonderfully for me on it's 1st time in action. Time will tell for sure!

    ADK Built DAW, W7, Sonar Platinum, Studio One Pro,Yamaha HS8's & HS8S  Presonus Studio/Live 24.4.2, A few decent mic pre's,  lots of mics, 57's,58 betas, Sm7b, LD Condensors, Small condensors, Senn 421's,  DI's,  Sans Amp, A few guitar amps etc. Guitars : Gib. LP, Epi. Lp, Dillion Tele, Ibanez beater, Ibanez Ergodyne 4 String bass, Mapex Mars series 6 pc. studio kit, cymbals and other sh*t.
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