Comping mode and punch points
I normally record in comping mode and I like that it mutes other takes while I'm recording yet I always have the last take after playback. It even works when I have to punch in manually, with a running transport and armed track I can let the performer hear whatever comes before the part I want to overdub, and when I hit R it mutes the clip and starts recording from there.
However, if I want to be more precise or I need to do a few passes it's better to use punch points so I don't get a bunch of clips with different lengths and split points but uniform ones. My expected behavior for punch in recording with comping mode enabled would be that the track would be audible up to the punch point and then mute. In actuality, the take remains audible throughout the recording so I need to manually mute it at the punch point so the performer doesn't hear the old take.
Is there any way to make this work better?