SONAR 2017.03 Crash on update from 2017.02
Oops... never knew where the problem reports forum was until now. Please move, thanks.
EDIT: This issue was reported by bitman at Post can be deleted.
I'm a heavy MIDI user, and use a template with a PRV open (and empty) on a second monitor. The first thing I do upon starting a new piece is of course click new, which pulls directly from my own normal.cwt. This loads up fine in 2017.02 with an empty PRV. In 2017.03, I get an immediate crash. Opening an empty PRV afterward does not induce a crash.
I've fixed this issue by saving my template without a PRV open, but this use case should probably be handled.
While you're at it, there are some leftover shortcut keys that now do nothing (Track > Pick Tracks, View > Pick Tracks, etc.). Perhaps you could clean those up? Please consider also adding an accelerator key to toggle "View > Show Multiple Lanes" for the heavy MIDI users, and one to toggle the new "Auto Lock". A Filter tracks toggle would be nice, but we're already over there clicking tracks to filter with our mouse anyway, so I don't believe it's necessary.
By the way: nice improvements on the PRV! Mr. Anderton mentioned that you've brought on a MIDI guy -- he's done a great job on the interface so far. Usability has increased, and we're looking forward to future improvements! :)
post edited by zrapture - 2017/03/24 21:00:17