Adjust midi recording latency to match audio buffer playback latency?

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April 27, 17 3:33 PM (permalink)

Adjust midi recording latency to match audio buffer playback latency?

42 tracks, all mixed with processing, and some melodyne, puts my asio buffer around 20 ms, or 1024, which is recomended by melodyne.  So - how do I get a new midi track from my key synth to not get recorded 20 ms early?

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Sonar Platinum, Windows 7 64 bit - clean install January 2016, Focusrite Pro 40, Outboard Pres, Native Instruments Komplete, Izotope, PSP, Melodyne, Vegetarian

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    Re: Adjust midi recording latency to match audio buffer playback latency? April 27, 17 4:50 PM (permalink)
    Bounce the audio to a new wav file.  Create a new project to record just the MIDI track.   Adjust your ASIO latency, record the track then copy&Paste/Export/Import it back into the original project (upping the latency).  You could perhaps try freezing tracks, but usually that just is a lot harder than having a separate low-latency project.
    You might also try disabling all FX in the project (button on the toolbar) which might help you work at a lower latency.

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