Helpful Reply"there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard

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April 24, 17 1:05 AM (permalink)

"there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard

I have I have a 2009 Windows 7 Home premium OS running on a 64-bit Hewlett Packard desktop. An Intel i7 CPU and 7 GB of available RAM.
When I try to connect my copy of SONAR Pro with a Samson keyboard I get a prompt that says "there is not enough memory available" under the MIDI preferences in SONAR Pro.
Unfortunately, Samson support had "never seen this before".
I have seen some ramblings on the web.
One issue being changing Google "Chrome MIDI" settings but I found no such settings in my latest Chrome version when I followed the directions in that web post dated 7 mos. ago.
The other post was due to "cheap (music) keyboards".
*A key factor here is that I have used the Samson Graphite M25 keyboard before with SONAR Pro and it played without the issue I am asking for help with today.
Does anyone here have any experience with this?
Thank you.
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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 24, 17 2:05 AM (permalink)
Basically it means the Midi port is already being used by something else, another application or something in the OS..

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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 24, 17 6:39 AM (permalink)
Make sure that you don't have another program which acceses your MIDI driver open at the same time. For instance, I get the message if the Arturia MIDI Control Center is opened at the same time Cakewalk is being opened.

Dell Precision T5400, 2 Xeon E5420 CPUs, 32 GB ram, 1 X 750 GB HDD, 2 X 1TB HDD, Nvidia GTX750 , M-Audio 1010LT, Roland GR-55, Novation SL MKII 49 , Arturia MiniLab, Arturia Spark Creative Drum Controller, '77 Gibson Les Paul Artistan, Epiphone Les Paul Studio w/ GK-3, Fender Stratocaster, Dean Exotica Acoustic, Cakewalk Sonar Platinum Lifetime, Arturia  Synths galore!, Cakewalk Synths galore!, M-Audio BX-5a monitors, a couple of cheap mikes, a dubious quality desk, several shady characters hanging in the studio, etc....
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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 24, 17 4:32 PM (permalink)
I get this memory message starting SONAR Platinum with my iRig37 connected as my MIDI input device.  This is very annoying since I can just add an instrument track and the iRig works fine.
There are two other MIDI input devices showing in Edit, Preferences: one for my computer's name used by DAW HD Remote, and one for my Behringer X-Touch.  But it won't let me add the iRig37.
I do have several MIDI-related files open, such as rptMIDI used by DAW HD Remote.  Also Bonjour is running.  Would either of those be the cause? 

Software: Cakewalk by Bandlab; Adobe Audition; Band-in-A-Box audiophile; Izotope Ozone; Encore; Melodyne; Win 10 Pro, 64-bit.

Hardware: Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 2nd; Roland Integra-7; TCE Finalizer; Presonus Central Station, Behringer X-Touch.  Home built i7 with 16 GB RAM, SSDs.
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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 24, 17 4:35 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby riojazz May 02, 17 4:57 PM
Check out this article about the MIDI Port problem, which persisted in Windows 7 but was fixed in Windows 10. Don't know if it's at the root of your issue but it's easy enough to find out.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 24, 17 5:33 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Ham N Egz April 25, 17 5:37 PM
I've had this problem with USB MIDI devices, but it has occurred after a crash and when there were still instances SONAR running in Task Manager. It was an M Audio device that wouldn't release after SONAR was shut down forcibly. Had to reboot to clear it up.
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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 24, 17 5:35 PM (permalink)
I've been using a Graphite 49 off/on for at least 2, maybe 3 years.  I've never seen this with the G49 or any other MIDI device.

Bob  --
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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 25, 17 12:24 AM (permalink)
If you are using class compliant controller (no driver needed), yes, it might be Goggle Chome that is interfering.
The following might work but doesn't always work:

Go to advanced settings".
In "Privacy" section, click "Content settings".
 In "MIDI devices and full control" section, check "Do not allow any sites to use system exclusive messages to access MIDI devices".
If it doesn't, try to have Chrome closed when you open Sonar (you can open it afterwards), particularly after restarting Windows.
If it isnt Chrome, you will need to go to device manager, enable "show hidden devices" and delete excessive midi devices. If you are using virtual midi devices, it happens a lot. An issue that was supposedly fixed in Windows XP, isn't quite fixed yet, not even in Windows 10.
post edited by frragnarsson - April 25, 17 1:38 PM
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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 25, 17 1:01 PM (permalink)
Wat?  Chrome's looking at our MIDI data now?  Google you're such a stalker.
I've had this problem with USB MIDI devices, but it has occurred after a crash and when there were still instances SONAR running in Task Manager. It was an M Audio device that wouldn't release after SONAR was shut down forcibly. Had to reboot to clear it up.

This will do what Task Manager can't, avoiding the reboot:
The option you explicity need that Windows 7 lacks is the ability to kill the entire process tree of Cakewalk in the event of a crash.  It kills everything Cakewalk had spawned and left open in the process, including any hanging threads.
Whats nice is the kernel mode driver that allows you to do this.  I use process hacker over task manager any day.  You can straight up replace it as the crash handler, which is nice.
To the OP if you have an antivirus suite with a game mode like IOBit ASC, or even an Nvidia driver with a game mode, set the DAW as a game.  All the background crap except what you whitelist and need dissapears while your DAW runs.  If you do it through an antivirus suite you get the added benefit of it running on the secure desktop too, which means everything gets highest thread priority.
Steam and Discord shows me playing Cakewalk or GIMP.  But I don't care it works.  Albait a hack but it works.

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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 25, 17 4:15 PM (permalink)
I have I have a 2009 Windows 7 Home premium OS running on a 64-bit Hewlett Packard desktop. An Intel i7 CPU and 7 GB of available RAM.
When I try to connect my copy of SONAR Pro with a Samson keyboard I get a prompt that says "there is not enough memory available" under the MIDI preferences in SONAR Pro.
Unfortunately, Samson support had "never seen this before".
I have seen some ramblings on the web.
One issue being changing Google "Chrome MIDI" settings but I found no such settings in my latest Chrome version when I followed the directions in that web post dated 7 mos. ago.
The other post was due to "cheap (music) keyboards".
*A key factor here is that I have used the Samson Graphite M25 keyboard before with SONAR Pro and it played without the issue I am asking for help with today.
Does anyone here have any experience with this?
Thank you.

I have experienced this with one keyboard that I have that only uses the Windows class compliant USB-Audio device driver.
Apparently this is a single client driver only and the next app (client) that tries to use it concurrently will throw an error.  You will need to find out what is using it, and possibly reboot to clear it up, if you cannot stop the task.
My other MIDI controllers have manufacturer supplied USB MIDI drivers that are multi-client.  These can be shared among several open apps at the same time.
Class Compliant Drivers versus Manufacturer Specific Drivers
"Class compliant drivers are convenient because you don't have to download any external software.  But often manufacturer specific drivers provide added functionality ...
So if you purchase a MIDI or Audio interface you should always check the product manual and manufacturer's website to see if there is a dedicated USB driver for your product that provides added functionality."

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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard April 25, 17 4:43 PM (permalink)
I had this problem sometime when I rewired my little studio. For some reason Windows does not like it when you plug a USB midi instrument into a different port than it was previously in. I have a couple of KORG instruments which comes with a nice utility to uninstall the MIDI drivers and therefore reuse the ports.
I understand you can use this even if you don't have any KORG gear, just download the KORG USB drivers and there is a utility called KORG MIDI Driver Uninstall Utility, just deselect the option to configure KORG gear only.
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Re: "there is not enough memory available" prompt when utilizing samson keyboard May 02, 17 5:01 PM (permalink)
Check out this article about the MIDI Port problem, which persisted in Windows 7 but was fixed in Windows 10. Don't know if it's at the root of your issue but it's easy enough to find out.

I did not have any hidden or unused devices, but thank you for the suggestion in your article.  I am running Windows 10.  From using the remote control program V-Control Pro in the past, I do have ten entries for Bome's Virtual MIDI Port Device".  The remaining eight entries are for other devices I do use.

Software: Cakewalk by Bandlab; Adobe Audition; Band-in-A-Box audiophile; Izotope Ozone; Encore; Melodyne; Win 10 Pro, 64-bit.

Hardware: Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 2nd; Roland Integra-7; TCE Finalizer; Presonus Central Station, Behringer X-Touch.  Home built i7 with 16 GB RAM, SSDs.
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