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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/05 18:27:57
Beebz sumpin new is over there
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/05 18:32:52
bapu [image][/image]
Well said.
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/05 18:35:31
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/05 19:21:56
☄ Helpfulby bapu 2017/05/05 19:47:06
bapu Notice how I dinnit mention Am in Amon? Straummy will be proud of me, he will.
I am righteously proud of you Edwidge ... ... in much the same way as a father is proud of the first stool his toddler manages to dump entirely within the environs of its potty. #glowing
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/05 20:30:04
I'm back. It must be the weekend.
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/05 22:08:13
☄ Helpfulby SteveStrummerUK 2017/05/05 23:38:42
SteveStrummerUK Hi On their seminal 1936 album Bore You All To Death VIII, Amon Duul explored the musically possibilities of adding effects pedals to the recorded sound of the maracas they used on side-B opening song "Are You Still Awake?". After some 14 years intense experimentation in the studio, they eventually settled on the sound generated by the ground-breaking "Super-Overdriven-Distortion" (S.O.D.) pedal first used by Can on their 1923 album Can You Keep Your Eyes Open. There were however a lot of intense arguments among band members on the use of the S.O.D. pedal - some though it added nothing to the character of the maracas, others though it was just alright. These legendary arguments and discussions were later immortalised on Gong's 1951 album Going Going Gong in the aptly entitled tune "SOD On!". Of course, my own feelings on the matter are quite Amon Dull so I'll try to keep them down to around 400,000 words or fewer. The main argument in my opinion against using this particular pedal
Hi I think you'll find that it was actually first tried on the earlier, numbered limited edition for non-philistine listeners only, release (my copy is no.1 of 1) "It's So Boring We Fell Asleep Before We Finished Recording It (Part II) " This album is highly regarded by those in the know and has more simply become known as Sod ON. The album that you speak of was a watered down commercial release for those who are so brainwashed by blandness that they are unable to tell the difference. In case you're wondering..... "It's So Boring We Fell Asleep Before We Finished Recording It (Part I) " is the first recording of the same album with the effect turned off. They are actually two different recordings as simply applying an effect to the one "maraca" track as you call it (they're actually known as shac-shacs btw) was considered as cheating, so they re-created the whole thing note for note, but with the pedal switched on this time. If you listen carefully you can actually hear the bass player's snoring coming in a beat too early on the last track. As it turned out, it was a wasted effort because absolutely everyone I've ever met seems to prefer part I. At every party I've ever been invited to, which I can assure is is very, very many, at least 3, I always say.....hey everyone I've brought my rare albums with me, which one do you want to hear first and they always enthusiastically say, almost shout actually.......SOD OFF!! Not once had anyone ever told me.... Sod ON. Philistines.
Hi I think you'll find if you check the sleeve notes on the limited edition Patagonia (North-East provinces only; Version 3, Edition 23, Issue 2b - coloured vinyl) release of the record you refer to ("It's So Boring We Fell Asleep Before We Finished Recording It (Part II)") that in fact the left-panned balalaika parts in B sharp (refrain only, parts 3, 5, 26, 1,892 & 23,902) were not actually recorded in the studio but were lifted directly from a live bootleg version of the song recorded by the Marx Brothers (Karl and Groucho) four months earlier at the The Shepherd & Anxious Sheep public house in Aberystwyth (landlord Jones The Bar). I know this to be an absolute fact as I was among the gathered throng of 3 people watching (actually I was the only person actively watching the show, a drunken goat and some bloke called LLLLLLewelyn who was trying to use the khazi without buying a drink being the others present). Anyway, I digress. To prove this beyond any doubt, listen carefully to your version of the song in the 27 minutes instrumental break following the immortal lyric "I can't believe that your not asleep/Even our drummer's comatose and in a heap" and you'll notice that the key signature of the song clearly changes to 23.72/29.912 time whereas the balalaika remains stubbornly in 23.67/29.912466 time. The reason is quite obvious in as much as the 23.67/29.912466 time signature was not actually invented by the keyboard player's mum's neighbour until 2 weeks after the live recording was captured. And I thought you knew your stuff.
Hi Well, I'm truly sorry to have to be the one to have to tell you this, but the album that you refer to there is unfortunately a fake. I know this because prior to any pressings being made, as the foremost and most respected person in the entire history of all things musical, my opinion was sought as to what would be the most appropriate vinyl format on which to release the album and as a result of this the only recordings ever issued were on completely colourless vinyl. To be clear (see what I did there) I'm actually not talking about transparent vinyl, but a vinyl that was both opaque yet devoid of any kind of hue that could be described by any terms currently know to mankind. It was well known within the industry that I was totally adamant* that the pure sound of the instruments should not be coloured in any way whatsoever. * That's where he stole his the name from btw. As for the timing discrepancies that you claim to be able to discern, despite the fact that you have never listened to anything but bog standard four to the floor commercial crap in your entire life, I suspect that this is due to some spare bedroom wannabe producer using his casio keyboard to try and inject some "beatz" into the recording and calling it a remix. The good news for you is that I'm told by my sources that the counterfeit pirate remix market is actually on the up, so in time you might be able recoup some of what you paid for that very expensive frisbee that you currently own.
webbs hill studio
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/05 22:13:27
☄ Helpfulby craigb 2017/05/10 04:49:46
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/05 22:31:29
☄ Helpfulby SteveStrummerUK 2017/05/05 23:38:54
Straummy I'm back. It must be the bellend.
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 12:45:18
Hi, Didn't know I was getting so famous that even that Stsomethingorother has to quote me left and right. I'm amazed at his ability to write so much and say so little ... but it is entertaining, when I'm sitting on the throne, and need something to read now and then while waiting for Bapu's license to unload come about! Exciting times, let me tell you! Gotta love it ... absolutely gotta love it! And still that guy's music tastes are ... well ... we're supposed to be friends here, so ... they are just fine and OK. I just don't need the adoration surrounding it masquerading as musical talent!
Music is not about notes and chords! My poem is not about the computer or monitor or letters! It's about how I was able to translate it from my insides!
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 13:45:26
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 14:49:22
Mesh You two Brits made my day!! Reminded me of this....
Great show
Bob -- Angels are crying because truth has died ...Illegitimi non carborundum --Studio One Pro / i7-6700@3.80GHZ, 32GB Win 10 Pro x64 Roland FA06, LX61+, Fishman Tripleplay, FaderPort, US-16x08 + ARC2.5/Event PS8s Waves Gold/IKM Max/Nomad Factory IS3/K11U
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 15:02:10
☄ Helpfulby SteveStrummerUK 2017/05/09 18:33:36
Moshkito Hi, I'm amazed at his ability to write so much and say so little ...
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 16:23:09
☄ Helpfulby jamesg1213 2017/05/09 16:25:13
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 18:33:59
daryl1968 bollocks
Daryk likes bollocks.
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 18:40:27
daryl1968 bollocks
Daryk likes bollocks.
i like my own exclusively
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 23:18:00
daryl1968 bollocks
Daryk likes bollocks.
i like my own exclusively
But do you have pet names for your pendulous nadgers Daryk? Plummy and John T say "Hi"
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 23:22:19
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 23:27:01
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 23:28:22
daryl1968 bollocks
Daryk likes bollocks.
i like my own exclusively
But do you have pet names for your pendulous nadgers Daryk? Plummy and John T say "Hi"
Ha - swingers both of em
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Re: Query for our British friends...
2017/05/09 23:34:41
SteveStrummerUK Cheers Beep, interesting stuff.
Indeed it is. Especially the bit about how they buried their dead and that we may have learned that behavior from them. And also the bit about how they are hunting for testable DNA to see if we got a little bit of homo naledi in us. If so then it would seem likely we'd ALL have some naledi genes as opposed to the neanderthal genes which are not of course ubiquitous for obvious reasons (well obvious to those who aren't trying to bring about a new Dark Age). Just thought you might like that. Cheers.