Developed 64-bit PC Amp Sims, EQ, and Room Modeller
Hi all,
Some of you may recall that in addition to being a former SONAR user, I worked with Ken McLaren on AcmeBarGig products such as RedShift, Shred, and Headcase. Ken is currently busy with other activities, but I have recently been programming 64-bit audio applications, some of which Ken has checked out for me:
Amp Sims that can be used for other instruments and vocals in addition to guitar (like a channel strip), a fifteen-band ISO frequency EQ, and an acoustic room modeller (more than just reverb). I've recently remixed all of my SoundCloud songs to use almost exclusively these plugins with the result that the tracks of each mix gel together better.
Here is a link to a web page that has other additional links including one to a YouTube video discussing the amp sims, explanations of the various plugins, and other information:
http://www.execonsultingt...wnload/download-other/The plugins are free so will always be in beta mode unless my circumstances change dramatically and I get some help for commercialization. At this point in my life, I'm less interested in adding stress and more interested in just sharing stuff I've done. Nevertheless I anticipate improving the plugins from time to time.
Please do let me know if you experience any problems with release, information, etc. as well as the plugins. I'm rolling these out slowly (one forum at a time) so as not to be overwhelmed. This is the first release, so please bear with me!
Thanks for your attention.
Dave Clark
EXE Consulting