bayoubillI found out today that I can no longer go to base hospital to get medical care once I turn 65. Thanks to congress passing a law behind the scenes. Another right that Veterans have earned is LOST
bapubayoubillI found out today that I can no longer go to base hospital to get medical care once I turn 65. Thanks to congress passing a law behind the scenes. Another right that Veterans have earned is LOSTSorry to hear that Bill. However, I can't ever go to the base hospital (was never in the military), but after hearing me play they said that I qualified for the bass hospital. I hear that's where they do the lambada-mitty on bad bazz players. Then we become geetar players I'm told. Or is it a drummers.
bapubayoubillI found out today that I can no longer go to base hospital to get medical care once I turn 65. Thanks to congress passing a law behind the scenes. Another right that Veterans have earned is LOSTSorry to hear that Bill. However, I can't ever go to the base hospital (was never in the military), but after hearing me play they said that I qualified for the bass hospital. I hear that's where the do the lambada-mitty on bad bazz players. Then we become geetar players I'm told. Or is it a drummer?